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Topics - Hostingness

Pages: [1]
SSL / Disable AutoSSL (LetsEncrypt)
« on: July 16, 2021, 06:52:07 AM »
How to disable LetsEncrypt AutoSSL feature?
Its getting installed automatically even if I uninstalled them. I want to manually install them if needed.

CentOS 7 Problems / Unable to login into User Account
« on: August 24, 2019, 01:54:33 PM »
Server in production. Found recent files & dir changes and locked file system from user account. Now when I want to unlock, I was unable to login into user account. After clicking on login, it just refreshes page and lands on same login page with no error. Couldnt understand how to solve this issue. Getting permission denied error in ftp user login when trying to upload file, unable to mkdir using sudo from SSH.

iptables / Remove unwanted IPtable rules
« on: December 08, 2017, 10:19:36 AM »
There are totally 117 IPtable rules added. When I try to enable firewall, it says 20 more IPtable rules need to be added but I have only 128 rules allocation. Any reply on unnecessary rules so I can remove them and enable firewall?

CentOS 7 Problems / Remove unwanted IPtable rules
« on: December 08, 2017, 10:16:25 AM »
There are totally 117 IPtable rules added. When I try to enable firewall, it says 20 more IPtable rules need to be added but I have only 128 rules allocation. Any reply on unnecessary rules so I can remove them and enable firewall?

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