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Topics - Painkiller88

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
CentOS 7 Problems / CWP Security Center schedule automatic virus scan
« on: August 21, 2024, 02:00:43 PM »

Is it possible to enable a schedule for automatic virus scan?

Everytime i look into the CWP Security Center it tells me last scan 1 Month etc. so this is every time i start the scan manually in the Security Center.

Is there a way to schedule it automatically or is the Security Portal just not recorgnizing the automatic scans?


CentOS 7 Problems / the "listen ... http2" directive is deprecated
« on: July 14, 2024, 07:54:50 PM »

since nginx 1.25 i have the following warnings in the log: the "listen ... http2" directive is deprecated

i know i need to change the listen http2 and add a new directive with http2 on;

but my question is, as we are now on nginx 1.26 and it is still in the logs, is this something i need to do in my configs or is it something the CWP updates should fix for us?


CentOS 7 Problems / Latest ClamAV Update from today messes up ClamAV
« on: November 07, 2023, 10:36:04 PM »
today a new update of ClamAV shows up in CWP yum.

So i updated it and after this CPU goes up for the Clam process, i checked the logs and saw, clam wasn't able to start normally and complained about duplicate database files.

after removing them manually like the log says it was complaining about the sock is used by another process.

solution was do delete the sock file so it could create a new one.

Problem, i need to do this after every reboot.

i tried a yum history rollback but this failed for those packages so i rolled back my server using the veeam backup.

Can anyone confirm this problem, so maybe to bring out a fix before everyone is updating the clam packages


Installation / Recommended CWP Version for fresh install
« on: October 23, 2023, 09:00:09 PM »

i know for a long time it was always CWP7 the recommended version, but from the state of today, when Centos 7 is EOL in half a year, is it still recommended to use centos7 or which version should i install if i want to setup a new server?

Centos 8 is already EOL, Centos 7 is in june 2024 so is if someone wanna stay with Centos it needs to be Centos 8 Stream or delayed but with delayed we get security updates half a year later or what?

So what does the experts say?


Installation / Update CWP7 to CWP8 Stream
« on: November 12, 2022, 01:33:42 PM »

I know about a year ago we already asked if it is possible to update from cwp7 to centos 8 stream and the answer was no.

Now i found a guide to update from centos 7 to centos 8 and in the final step to centos 8 stream.

Can anyone experienced or maybe someone from the team check the guide and tell us if maybe there is a way to update our servers without re install from scratch.

Link to update guide:


CentOS 7 Problems / /tmp should be owned by root:root
« on: November 04, 2022, 07:33:38 PM »

since a while now i recorgnized that the ownership of the /tmp folder has changed.

This was always root:root but since about half a year it is nobody:nobody

i haven't changed anything so it must have been an update.

If i change it to root:root it is changed nobody:root

Is this how it should be now? Because the csf firewall check tells me /tmp should be owned by root:root

So it seems like an error.

Can anyone tell me what happened here?


CentOS 7 Problems / Can i install python 3 or will it break something
« on: July 14, 2022, 12:42:15 PM »

i have python 2.7 running on my CWP Server, now i wanna have a script on my server that needs python 3

is there anything from the CWP using pyhton that will break if i update the python 3?

Or maybe is there a way to have both versions running?

I don't wanna break the CWP so any risks when updating or if possible run both python versions together?


CentOS 7 Problems / can't access shoutcast config module in user panel
« on: April 10, 2022, 07:41:00 PM »

I can't access the shoutcast config tab in the user panel to configure a domain to bind i see these errors in the browsers dev tools:

?module=servercast:50 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
    at Object.callback (?module=servercast:50)
    at Object.complete (?module=servercast:143)
    at i (servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356)
    at Object.fireWith (servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356)
    at A (servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356)
callback @ ?module=servercast:50
complete @ ?module=servercast:143
i @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
fireWith @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
A @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
(anonymous) @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
load (async)
send @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
ajax @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
call @ ?module=servercast:143
Config @ ?module=servercast:50
onclick @ VM777:24
2?module=servercast:83 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
    at Object.callback (?module=servercast:83)
    at Object.complete (?module=servercast:143)
    at i (servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356)
    at Object.fireWith (servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356)
    at A (servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356)
callback @ ?module=servercast:83
complete @ ?module=servercast:143
i @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
fireWith @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
A @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
(anonymous) @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
load (async)
send @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
ajax @ servercast.f5644de41481f68.js:356
call @ ?module=servercast:143
DetailsOverCast @ ?module=servercast:83
setInterval (async)
Overvier @ ?module=servercast:46
onclick @ ?module=servercast:1

reinstalling the shoutcast server didn't resolve the problem.

i hope someone can help me to fix it as i don't know how to manually bind shoutcast to a domain.


SSL / How to secure my shoutcast server/streams with https
« on: April 07, 2022, 03:03:44 PM »

i am using nginx and i installed shoucast v2 plugin but it is http only and i don't know how to secure it as a https connection as it is not showing up as a seperate url or something.

how can i make my shoutcast using https and where to implement it in the nginx.conf.

you could maybe implement this as a default option in a future version.


Information / Your cwp forum site has an ssl error
« on: March 23, 2022, 07:19:36 PM »
today i got an error while trying to visit


just for info, maybe you fix this site and renew the cert or force a https to http redirect if you don't wanna provide a https connection.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / How to use the Stream Feature?
« on: January 30, 2022, 09:07:37 PM »

How can i use the Stream feature? I can click on manage in the UCP but i can't create a new stream, server or whatever we should be able to do here.

Updates / Update still not fixing themes_lang2 Module
« on: January 07, 2022, 03:07:55 AM »
This update still don't fix the Problems from 1116

It is still not possible to change packages and save.

This means the new functions like streaming can't be enabled.

File and Permission Problem feature also can't be used.

New Update destroys features, themes, languages area again

- Changes to packages can't be saved
- switching to other tabs than features does not have any function
- changelog is very old, please update it

please fix this, thanks

CentOS 7 Problems / log4j security issue
« on: December 13, 2021, 09:58:54 AM »

Are we affected by log4j volunerability and if yes, when does it get patched?


Updates / yum nginx update failed
« on: November 18, 2021, 12:23:45 PM »
CWPpro version:

YUM is not able to update this package: nginx.x86_64    1:1.20.2-1.el7.ngx

the automatic updater just shows failed and cleared but it never works.

Any ideas how i get this to work or how i can see what exactly is the problem?

In the logs i haven't found any yum or update log.


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