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Topics - Kaleemuddin

Pages: [1]
I have 2 domains (user: jamals) and jamalspk)

I create both of above accounts with the username jamals and jamalspk but after deletion of jamals the jamalspk is also affected in DNS entries as well as the databases relation with account are disturbed.

after deletion (user: jamals) I found .pk only in the dns configuration file and the default structure of dns file is also disturbed.

Please consider it and fix in the software.

DNS / How to add external domain DKIM records
« on: January 25, 2021, 07:26:21 AM »
I have an External SMTP server and want to add DKIM of that domain with different selector.

But after saving the TXT record the "+" sign has been removed and contain "enter" character. The value of DKIM is under 255 characters, so it no need to split.

For further explain I added the records below:

I add below TXT record

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDKmAOLmsa8SeP86gTRF4G6+iK34e2bo7Qp37LhcRDOeFlxdhm5N49iIa6TeV5HCQI2vXxkzlXGxVV60UbpKHNaf9ArWLvg8Goy1CyHD22d9nWL+QBShmnzg9uWJZXexd1P1dy4kOJRDbI3SyFanjOGQF+HVdmBrJdIRsrSGh9BEQIDAQAB

after click on save, showing below record

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDKmAOLmsa8SeP86gTRF4G6 iK34e2bo7Qp37LhcRDOeFlxdhm5N49iIa6TeV5HCQI2vXxkzlXGxVV60UbpKHNaf9ArWLvg8Goy1CyHD22d9nWL QBShmnzg9uWJZXexd1P1dy4kOJRDbI3SyFanjOGQF HVdmBrJdIRsrSGh9BEQIDAQAB

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