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Topics - SeaTea

Pages: [1]
Installation / SSH / Quota warning on Centos after install
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:41:53 PM »
I have installed CWP on my VPS with Centos 6 and all seems to work fine.  I have configured most things and have set my SSH server to an alternative port and have configured firewall accordingly.  However after login at admin panel the dashboard shows:
WARNING: Security vulnerability! Your server is using default SSH Port 22, to make your server more secure change SSH port in config file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and in CSF firewall !
After changes are done don't forget to restart SSH and CSF Firewall.

and also:
WARNING: Quota! Quota is not installed on your server and you will not be able to limit users disk space!
You can install Quota using command: yum -y install quota

But quota is installed.

Is this a 'normal' bug in dashboard or did I do something wrong ?

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