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Pages: [1]
CentOS 7 Problems / Serving WebP images
« on: January 01, 2020, 02:09:46 PM »
Like in title, recompile php to 7.3.13 with Gd supporting WebP images, like in configuration
But the GD version it shuld be 2.2.5 like here
And i will not role back for the 7.1 I made some mistake i know but i can not figure where :/
Any info it will be awesome
But the GD version it shuld be 2.2.5 like here
And i will not role back for the 7.1 I made some mistake i know but i can not figure where :/
Any info it will be awesome
CentOS 7 Problems / Passwords Pro Version
« on: December 05, 2019, 09:52:10 AM »
So this can be a bug, i can not gave exact reference but here is the problem.
So more then 3 weeks i make some (from root) email accounts for users.
It is not hard
so i type the email, then using generate password so its more random (or not) so klik on eye to show the password copy and repeat again (by the way that is necessary for random pass). and store in some txt documents with that email.
any way, i making for the same user other mail, it is all the same, and when i came to password it is literally the same password.
than i tray again with now mail it is the same. then when i using the generate btn it changes.
then i go to other computer, who i am not using for servers or other stuff, i dont have sync nothing with the other, i login to root, tray again and it is the same password so it is not to my brouser it is not on my filing up the forms.
then i reboot the server affter 200 days it is the same, on 2 computers!
so i using
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-1062.1.1.el7.x86_64
CWPpro version:
maybe its me or some little aliens
So more then 3 weeks i make some (from root) email accounts for users.
It is not hard
so i type the email, then using generate password so its more random (or not) so klik on eye to show the password copy and repeat again (by the way that is necessary for random pass). and store in some txt documents with that email.
any way, i making for the same user other mail, it is all the same, and when i came to password it is literally the same password.
than i tray again with now mail it is the same. then when i using the generate btn it changes.
then i go to other computer, who i am not using for servers or other stuff, i dont have sync nothing with the other, i login to root, tray again and it is the same password so it is not to my brouser it is not on my filing up the forms.
then i reboot the server affter 200 days it is the same, on 2 computers!
so i using
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-1062.1.1.el7.x86_64
CWPpro version:
maybe its me or some little aliens
Updates / CWP PRO after update go to login screen
« on: July 11, 2019, 05:04:10 AM »
After update every thing i click fo to login screen and need to login again.
Addons / How to install Node.js and npm on CentOS 7 on Centos Control Panel (Pro)
« on: March 25, 2019, 01:59:58 PM »
Hi all, first im using Pro Version so some settings on the end is good for me!
Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that allows server-side execution of JavaScript code. Node.js is mainly used on the back-end, but it is also popular as a full-stack and front-end solution.
npm, short for Node Package Manager is the default package manager for Node.js and the world’s largest software repository for the publishing of open-source Node.js packages.
This tutorial walks you through the steps to install Node.js and npm on a CentOS 7 machine. We will show you two different ways of installing Node.js and npm.
In the first part of this tutorial we will install Node.js and npm using the yum package manager from the NodeSource repository. In the second part, we will teach you how to install Node.js and npm using the nvm script.
If you need Node.js only for deploying Node.js applications then the simplest option is to install the Node.js packages using yum from the NodeSource repository.
Before continuing with this tutorial, make sure you are logged in as a user with sudo privileges. ifi is on server you must have Putty and you are probebly already log in!
Installing Node.js and npm on CentOS 7
NodeSource is a company dedicated to providing enterprise-grade Node support and they maintain a consistently-updated Node.js repository for Linux distributions.
To install Node.js and npm from the NodeSource repositories on your CentOS 7 system, follow these steps:
1. Add NodeSource yum repository
The current LTS version of Node.js is version 10.x. If you want to install version 8 just change setup_10.x with setup_8.x in the command below.
Run the following curl command to add the NodeSource yum repository to your system:
2. Install Node.js and npm
Once the NodeSource repository is enabled, install Node.js and npm by typing:
When prompted to import the repository GPG key, type y, and press Enter.
3. Verify the Node.js and npm Installation
To check that the installation was successful, run the following commands which will print the Node.js and npm versions.
Print Node.js version:
shuld be somthing like
Print npm version:
How to install Node.js and npm using NVM
NVM (Node Version Manager) is a bash script used to manage multiple active Node.js versions. NVM allows us to install and uninstall any specific Node.js version which means we can have any number of Node.js versions we want to use or test.
To install Node.js and npm using NVM on your CentOS system, follow these steps:
1. Install NVM (Node Version Manager)
To download the nvm install script run the following command:
The script will clone the nvm repository from Github to ~/.nvm and add the script Path to your Bash or ZSH profile.
=> Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm or run the following to use it now:
As the output above shows, you should either close and reopen your terminal or run the commands to add the path to nvm script to your current session.
To verify that nvm was properly installed type:
2. Install Node.js using NVM
Now that the nvm tool is installed we can install the latest available version of Node.js, by typing:
Verify the Node.js version, by typing:
3. Install multiple Node.js versions using NVM
Let’s install two more versions, the latest LTS version and version 8.12.0
For each wersion you wont to install just type nvm install 1.1.1
Once LTS version and 8.12.0 are installed to list all installed Node.js instances type:
The output tell us that the entry with an arrow on the left (-> v8.12.0), is the version used in the current shell session and the default version is set to v11.0.0. Default version is the version that will be active when opening new shells.
To change the currently active version you can use the following command:
To be able to build native modules from npm we will need to install the development tools and libraries:
I have shown you two different ways to install Node.js and npm on your CentOS 7 server. The method you choose depends on your requirements and preferences. While installing the packaged version from the NodeSource repository is easier, the nvm method gives you more flexibility for adding and removing different Node.js versions on a per-user basis.
Now all you have to doo is to install and run your script i will install Ghost on my production webserver. before that you must have this nvm installed cuz you have flexibility for all other node project on your website or webserver
1. Install a Process Manager
Next, install a process manager so you can control your Node.js applications. This process manager will allow you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks. Enter the following command:
2. Install Nginx and PHP-FPM
Your next step is to install Nginx and PHP-FPM along with some much needed dependencies:
Start Nginx and enable it to start on boot:
3. Install Ghost on CentOS 7
First, create a directory for your Ghost website:
Enter the newly created dir:
Download the latest Ghost version:
Delete the archive:
4. Configure Ghost CMS
After the installation is completed, configure Ghost and update the URL in the config file with your domain. Copy the example config into a new file:
Open the file:
Find the ‘Production’ section and update the URL with your domain. After modifying it should look like this:
Now you can use the process manager that we installed earlier to configure Ghost to run forever. Execute the below command:
To start/stop/restart Ghost you can use:
5. Configure Nginx to Act as a Reverse Proxy
Your next step is to configure Nginx to act as a reverse proxy for your Ghost application. Open a config file:
6. Test and Restart Nginx Server
Test the Nginx configuration and restart Nginx so the changes can take effect:
Now its time to create some hi trafick to test
I will support this to developer of centos to add into their configuration and create this modern and magnificent CWP even more better
Any Additional test i will glad to help you!
Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that allows server-side execution of JavaScript code. Node.js is mainly used on the back-end, but it is also popular as a full-stack and front-end solution.
npm, short for Node Package Manager is the default package manager for Node.js and the world’s largest software repository for the publishing of open-source Node.js packages.
This tutorial walks you through the steps to install Node.js and npm on a CentOS 7 machine. We will show you two different ways of installing Node.js and npm.
In the first part of this tutorial we will install Node.js and npm using the yum package manager from the NodeSource repository. In the second part, we will teach you how to install Node.js and npm using the nvm script.
If you need Node.js only for deploying Node.js applications then the simplest option is to install the Node.js packages using yum from the NodeSource repository.
Before continuing with this tutorial, make sure you are logged in as a user with sudo privileges. ifi is on server you must have Putty and you are probebly already log in!
Installing Node.js and npm on CentOS 7
NodeSource is a company dedicated to providing enterprise-grade Node support and they maintain a consistently-updated Node.js repository for Linux distributions.
To install Node.js and npm from the NodeSource repositories on your CentOS 7 system, follow these steps:
1. Add NodeSource yum repository
The current LTS version of Node.js is version 10.x. If you want to install version 8 just change setup_10.x with setup_8.x in the command below.
Run the following curl command to add the NodeSource yum repository to your system:
Code: [Select]
curl -sL | sudo bash -
2. Install Node.js and npm
Once the NodeSource repository is enabled, install Node.js and npm by typing:
Code: [Select]
sudo yum install nodejs
When prompted to import the repository GPG key, type y, and press Enter.
3. Verify the Node.js and npm Installation
To check that the installation was successful, run the following commands which will print the Node.js and npm versions.
Print Node.js version:
Code: [Select]
node --version
shuld be somthing like
Code: [Select]
Print npm version:
Code: [Select]
npm --version
How to install Node.js and npm using NVM
NVM (Node Version Manager) is a bash script used to manage multiple active Node.js versions. NVM allows us to install and uninstall any specific Node.js version which means we can have any number of Node.js versions we want to use or test.
To install Node.js and npm using NVM on your CentOS system, follow these steps:
1. Install NVM (Node Version Manager)
To download the nvm install script run the following command:
Code: [Select]
curl -o- | bash
The script will clone the nvm repository from Github to ~/.nvm and add the script Path to your Bash or ZSH profile.
=> Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm or run the following to use it now:
Code: [Select]
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
As the output above shows, you should either close and reopen your terminal or run the commands to add the path to nvm script to your current session.
To verify that nvm was properly installed type:
Code: [Select]
nvm --version
Code: [Select]
2. Install Node.js using NVM
Now that the nvm tool is installed we can install the latest available version of Node.js, by typing:
Code: [Select]
nvm install node
some responceCode: [Select]
Downloading and installing node v11.0.0...
######################################################################## 100.0%
Computing checksum with sha256sum
Checksums matched!
Now using node v11.0.0 (npm v6.4.1)
Creating default alias: default -> node (-> v11.0.0)
Verify the Node.js version, by typing:
Code: [Select]
node --version
3. Install multiple Node.js versions using NVM
Let’s install two more versions, the latest LTS version and version 8.12.0
Code: [Select]
nvm install --lts
nvm install 8.12.0
For each wersion you wont to install just type nvm install 1.1.1
Once LTS version and 8.12.0 are installed to list all installed Node.js instances type:
Code: [Select]
nvm ls
Code: [Select]
-> v8.12.0 # ACTIVE VERSION
default -> node (-> v11.0.0) # DEFAULT VERSION
node -> stable (-> v11.0.0) (default)
stable -> 11.0 (-> v11.0.0) (default)
iojs -> N/A (default)
lts/* -> lts/dubnium (-> v10.13.0)
lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
lts/boron -> v6.14.4 (-> N/A)
lts/carbon -> v8.12.0
lts/dubnium -> v10.13.0
The output tell us that the entry with an arrow on the left (-> v8.12.0), is the version used in the current shell session and the default version is set to v11.0.0. Default version is the version that will be active when opening new shells.
To change the currently active version you can use the following command:
Code: [Select]
nvm use 10.13.0
The output will look like something this:Code: [Select]
Now using node v10.13.0 (npm v6.4.1)
To change the default Node.js version type:Code: [Select]
nvm alias default 10.13.0
Code: [Select]
default -> 10.13.0 (-> v10.13.0)
Install development toolsTo be able to build native modules from npm we will need to install the development tools and libraries:
Code: [Select]
sudo yum install gcc-c++ make
ConclusionI have shown you two different ways to install Node.js and npm on your CentOS 7 server. The method you choose depends on your requirements and preferences. While installing the packaged version from the NodeSource repository is easier, the nvm method gives you more flexibility for adding and removing different Node.js versions on a per-user basis.
Now all you have to doo is to install and run your script i will install Ghost on my production webserver. before that you must have this nvm installed cuz you have flexibility for all other node project on your website or webserver
1. Install a Process Manager
Next, install a process manager so you can control your Node.js applications. This process manager will allow you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks. Enter the following command:
Code: [Select]
npm install pm2 -g
2. Install Nginx and PHP-FPM
Your next step is to install Nginx and PHP-FPM along with some much needed dependencies:
Code: [Select]
yum install nginx php php-fpm php-cli php-mysql php-curl php-gd
Start Nginx and enable it to start on boot:
Code: [Select]
# systemctl start nginx
# systemctl enable nginx
3. Install Ghost on CentOS 7
First, create a directory for your Ghost website:
Code: [Select]
mkdir /var/www/html/your_site
Enter the newly created dir:
Code: [Select]
cd /var/www/html/your_site
Download the latest Ghost version:
Code: [Select]
curl -L -o
Unzip the archive:Code: [Select]
Delete the archive:
Code: [Select]
Now install the app with the npm installer:Code: [Select]
npm install -production
4. Configure Ghost CMS
After the installation is completed, configure Ghost and update the URL in the config file with your domain. Copy the example config into a new file:
Code: [Select]
cp config.example.js config.js
Open the file:
Code: [Select]
nano config.js
Find the ‘Production’ section and update the URL with your domain. After modifying it should look like this:
Code: [Select]
// ### Production
// When running Ghost in the wild, use the production environment.
// Configure your URL and mail settings here
production: {
url: 'http://your_domain',
Save and close the file.Now you can use the process manager that we installed earlier to configure Ghost to run forever. Execute the below command:
Code: [Select]
NODE_ENV=production pm2 start index.js --name "Ghost"
To start/stop/restart Ghost you can use:
Code: [Select]
pm2 start Ghost
Code: [Select]
pm2 stop Ghost
Code: [Select]
pm2 restart Ghost
5. Configure Nginx to Act as a Reverse Proxy
Your next step is to configure Nginx to act as a reverse proxy for your Ghost application. Open a config file:
Code: [Select]
nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/your_domain.conf
Paste the following:Code: [Select]
upstream ghost {
server {
listen 80;
server_name your_domain;
access_log /var/log/nginx/ghost.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/ghost.error.log;
proxy_buffers 16 64k;
proxy_buffer_size 128k;
location / {
proxy_pass http://ghost;
proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
Don’t forget to replace your_domain with your actual domain. Save and close the file.6. Test and Restart Nginx Server
Test the Nginx configuration and restart Nginx so the changes can take effect:
Code: [Select]
# nginx -t
Code: [Select]
# service nginx restart
Now its time to create some hi trafick to test
I will support this to developer of centos to add into their configuration and create this modern and magnificent CWP even more better
Any Additional test i will glad to help you!
CentOS 7 Problems / mcrypt
« on: March 06, 2018, 10:17:34 PM »
Ok , so i tray to install mcrypt. neeed for some frameworks.
I do with centos 7
1. SSH to VPS as the root user.
Install the the latest "EPEL" repo:
Install "php-mcrypt":
yum install php-mcrypt Here's an output:
Restart Apache to apply the changes:
added to php.ini file
And wont work.
I do with centos 7
1. SSH to VPS as the root user.
Install the the latest "EPEL" repo:
Code: [Select]
yum install epel-release
Install "php-mcrypt":
yum install php-mcrypt Here's an output:
Code: [Select]
[root@ws1 ~]# yum install php-mcrypt
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* epel:
* extras:
* updates:
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package php-mcrypt.x86_64 0:5.4.16-3.el7 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
php-mcrypt x86_64 5.4.16-3.el7 epel 20 k
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package
Total download size: 20 k
Installed size: 48 k
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
php-mcrypt-5.4.16-3.el7.x86_64.rpm | 20 kB 00:00:00
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Installing : php-mcrypt-5.4.16-3.el7.x86_64 1/1
Verifying : php-mcrypt-5.4.16-3.el7.x86_64 1/1
php-mcrypt.x86_64 0:5.4.16-3.el7
Restart Apache to apply the changes:
Code: [Select]
systemctl restart httpd
added to php.ini file
Code: [Select]
And wont work.
Varnish / Error 503 VARNISH Service Unavailable Service
« on: May 15, 2017, 08:03:19 PM »
OK, so must open new topic!
Error 503 Service Unavailable Service
Unavailable Guru
XID: 8230
So, it is an error when you update WordPress plug-ins. And it's always an error when you want more than one plug-ins to update.
I changed the server and installed a new CVP for Centos 7. and im using stable 1,5 up tu 1,9 memory.
runing 4 websites all in WordPress and always the same error on all installations!
Process list are runing
Apache Webserver
Varnish Cache Server
FTP Server
MySQL Database Server
SSH Server
Mail Server Services
Postfix Mail Server
Dovecot IMAP/POP3 Server
AMaViS (A Mail Virus Scanner)
php configuration
and varnish configuration.(i know i dont using PRO but i will.)
Server is active and stable with no errors, but that one small varnish mistake ..
I tried to setup upload_max_filesize on 64MB and Post max file size to 32MB, however, the same error is repeated.
Any sugestions?
Error 503 Service Unavailable Service
Unavailable Guru
XID: 8230
So, it is an error when you update WordPress plug-ins. And it's always an error when you want more than one plug-ins to update.
I changed the server and installed a new CVP for Centos 7. and im using stable 1,5 up tu 1,9 memory.
runing 4 websites all in WordPress and always the same error on all installations!
Process list are runing
Apache Webserver
Varnish Cache Server
FTP Server
MySQL Database Server
SSH Server
Mail Server Services
Postfix Mail Server
Dovecot IMAP/POP3 Server
AMaViS (A Mail Virus Scanner)
php configuration
and varnish configuration.(i know i dont using PRO but i will.)
Server is active and stable with no errors, but that one small varnish mistake ..
I tried to setup upload_max_filesize on 64MB and Post max file size to 32MB, however, the same error is repeated.
Any sugestions?
Apache / Vhost and Changing public_html to public
« on: September 12, 2016, 11:49:25 AM »
Hi, I recently change in Vhost configuration for one domain. Adn the problem is there is lots of script outside (and should be remain that way), i setup subdomain for that folder (public) and worked, tested... etc works fine. Now is a problem, script is build for working directory public not public_html.
In /usr/local/apache/conf.d/vhosts.conf folder structure for DocumentRoot, from "/home/user/public_html" to "/home/user/public".
Now domain don't open new public directory instead open old.
How to solve the problem???
In /usr/local/apache/conf.d/vhosts.conf folder structure for DocumentRoot, from "/home/user/public_html" to "/home/user/public".
Now domain don't open new public directory instead open old.
How to solve the problem???
Addons / Installation Node.js and integration
« on: June 22, 2016, 11:57:39 AM »
Here's one you might already considered questions, I search the forum, and I have not been able to find.
After almost 2 months of use Centos Web Panel, frankly I am satisfied with how it works, except that some things still do not work properly. Well, it is not an issue now.
On my vps, I have 8 gb ram, 2 core etc .. I run on php 5.6...
I installed node.js and it works well, at least as far as the console and reports that scripts are running. However, when I try to set up a specific port on the server through the firewall, I'ts just blocked. and does not allow me to open the node.js script.
The question is, if someone can help me to solve the problem?
A second question, Will it in future versions be somehow integrated node.js and settings for node.js such as modules for example teamspeek3 or torrent seedbox
After almost 2 months of use Centos Web Panel, frankly I am satisfied with how it works, except that some things still do not work properly. Well, it is not an issue now.
On my vps, I have 8 gb ram, 2 core etc .. I run on php 5.6...
I installed node.js and it works well, at least as far as the console and reports that scripts are running. However, when I try to set up a specific port on the server through the firewall, I'ts just blocked. and does not allow me to open the node.js script.
The question is, if someone can help me to solve the problem?
A second question, Will it in future versions be somehow integrated node.js and settings for node.js such as modules for example teamspeek3 or torrent seedbox
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