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Topics - viskus

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CentOS Configuration / Pages randomly not loading fully
« on: August 10, 2023, 09:49:01 AM »
I'm not sure what is happening but I get heaps of pages not loading fully or correctly constantly

Example is the admin backend of CWP will just load text down the side and no images etc - i reload the page and sometimes it fixes it self and other times it won't.

This is the same for the client login area, where it won't load correctly and needs to be refreshed and with client websites where it won't always load correctly.

I have a feeling it has something to do with the webserver setup but can't say for sure.

Currently using NGINX&APACHE

can anyone assist?

Installation / advice on setup
« on: April 28, 2022, 10:13:14 AM »
Hi, i use CWP currently and have it running, but i want to get some advice on how to best setup my systems because currently i have limitation that im not sure how to get around.

System at the moment
  • One physical server that is running windows hyperv server
    1st Hyper V is CentOS running CWP, which has domains connected to it and websites etc
    2nd Hyper V is Debian that is running a game server
    Single IP that i have registered a Name Server on that points to this IP and is captured by the CWP system.
    CentOS, Debian and HyperV server all run on the same local IP range 192.168.*.* and share the same WAN IP
    The firewall infrastructure is all UniFi, not sure if that helps or not.

My issue is that I can't seem to allocate a domain to the Debian system, i want it to actually be a sub domain of a domain hosted by the CWP, but I'm not sure how to do this?

I'm thinking that my system as a whole isn't setup to do this well in the future.

for example, i may want to have another domain that is another VPS running linux with a web server, but I'm not sure how i would do this in this setup either?

It's nearly like i need some sort of routing before all of this to direct it all?

any help would be hugely great!!

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