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Pages: [1]
E-Mail / Email Service With Receiving and Sending Problems
« on: May 25, 2022, 12:39:11 PM »
Hello friends, how are you?
Can Someone Help, My CWP Email Server Has Problems, As Pictures Below, Every Time I Need It For The Webmail Service To Get Back Working, It Works For Awhile, Then Stops, Sometimes The Emails Don't Arrive In Webmail And Sometimes They Don't Send, An Intermittent Service, How To Permanently Solve It?
Obrigado! Thanks
Can Someone Help, My CWP Email Server Has Problems, As Pictures Below, Every Time I Need It For The Webmail Service To Get Back Working, It Works For Awhile, Then Stops, Sometimes The Emails Don't Arrive In Webmail And Sometimes They Don't Send, An Intermittent Service, How To Permanently Solve It?
Obrigado! Thanks
CentOS 7 Problems / Cron Not Working, Error "No such file or directory"
« on: May 22, 2022, 06:34:58 PM »
I have a problem with CRON, the panel shows that Cron is active, but I see that our application does not work, it only works manually. I saw an error in the email
Could this be why Cron doesn't work?
How to solve this Problem, Any Command?
Code: [Select]
"execl: could not execute `/usr/local/cpanel/bin/jailshell'
execl: No such file or directory"
Could this be why Cron doesn't work?
How to solve this Problem, Any Command?
Pages: [1]