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Topics - Earthgate

Pages: [1]
CentOS 7 Problems / Restore
« on: August 18, 2022, 10:12:14 AM »
I'm transferring an account from one CWP to Another CWP. I use full account backup copy it over and restore but no email accounts or forwarders are created?


CentOS 7 Problems / Ningx www to none www
« on: August 18, 2022, 08:18:19 AM »
I have been trying to redirect one of the websites from www to none www. I have tried adding a redirect.conf  /etc/nginx/conf.d/redirect.conf

server {
    return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

I believe, I may need to change the listen directive to port 443, but I'm not sure how or where I need to add this and also add ssl info to the server block.
Or is there an easier way??

Nginx & Varnish & Apache
thanks in advance

Pages: [1]