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Topics - emergingdzns

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Installation / Before I switch to CWP, questions
« on: January 18, 2017, 03:12:26 PM »
I've been using ServerPilot and every single site on my server managed by server pilot got hacked all at once. Don't trust it.

I've got servers at Amazon and so I was going to setup a new centos7 server and want to use CWP. But to do so I need to setup the new server on a different IP address, create all the sites and upload all the files etc. Then, I can reassign the old server's IP address to the new CWP server.

So my question is, how hard is it to get CWP to accept an IP address change? If it is automatic in the CWP interface (meaning I can just log into a different IP address after the switch) will I need to change anything in the site configurations?

I'd like to have a seamless transition. If changing the IP address won't affect anything, then I'm going to get started right away.

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