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Topics - licode

Pages: [1]
PHP / php-fpm configs get removed automatically!!
« on: June 17, 2023, 07:12:05 PM »
Every single time I either restart the server or the cwp srv, all the php-fpm config files get removed for all accounts.. this happened multiple times, i had to recreate the files manually, but out of the blue, it happens again..

Please fix this repeated issue, it's there for many versions!

I have two php-fpm versions installed (7.4 & 8.1), and these are the paths


only nobody.conf that exist, and for that reason i get 503 service unavailable for all php web applications.

When protecting a file, the following are the expected behaviors:

  • generate/overwrite .htpasswd with the user ownership and with permissions: read & write for the user, and read for group & others
  • generate/edit .htaccess

What happens is this:
  • generate/overwrite .htpasswd with the user ownership, but WITHOUT the permissions: read & write for the user, and read for group & others
  • .htaccess is not edited (if its already exists)

I had to do all of this manually in order to work!

I tried searching and looking around and found nothing for Apache.
How can I resolve this without htaccess files.

Pages: [1]