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Topics - mkaioh2

Pages: [1]
CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Cannot log in to the MySQL server
« on: December 20, 2024, 04:44:15 PM »
I enter my control panel, go to phpMyAdmin and another page opens where it asks me for a username and password, I already entered the username and password for the control panel, for the database and nothing works... In theory that window should not appear, I would just log in directly and that's it.

hi, how i can

The maximum size per file allowed for upload is: 500M how can I increase this size, I already went to my .ini and nothing, I want to upload files from the file manager and it still shows me that my limit is 500 megas, also I already added the new registry and nothing works, it does not change the 500, what should I do?

Information / question about centos
« on: May 05, 2024, 12:11:49 AM »
Hi, I have a question, about a year ago aprox, cpanel no longer worked with centos 7 or 6 if I remember correctly, then we all had to migrate to a more updated server, so I moved to Centos Web Panel and it was the best decision I have made.
An acquaintance told me, that Centos web panel, would stop working in December last year, which I have not seen any change and I have not read anything about it). So as cpanel did and we would have to upgrade to a newer server, how true is this? or we have centos web panel for many more years without having to upgrade servers? I am asking to be aware of any updates that I have not been aware of.  ;D

MySQL / duplicate data base
« on: April 12, 2024, 07:27:50 PM »
hello, I just created a random user and it tells me that the database is duplicated, check and I have no name with that user, delete the user and the DB and I came back to create another one and it tells me the same thing that is duplicated, I put random names and that tells me, I have already restarted the server and restarted mysql and the problem is not solved, what can I do? i have only 2 DB   both say ERROR DUPLICATE...and is NEW my DB no is migration

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / hide the time zone
« on: February 22, 2024, 05:56:39 PM »
hello, how can I hide the time zone from my customers?

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / I can't create databases correctly
« on: February 19, 2024, 10:22:01 PM »
Help me, please watch my video.

Pages: [1]