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Topics - ljb

Pages: [1]
E-Mail / Successful Mail Delivery Report - Turn off?
« on: August 21, 2024, 09:02:56 AM »
Hi there.

I am getting a Successful Mail Delivery Report for every email I am sending through my secondary CWP install.

My primary CWP install is not doing it.

Possible to turn this off?


Other / New topic and new reply form not secured by SSL
« on: August 11, 2024, 09:21:34 PM »
Microsoft Edge is warning me that the information is sent back to the form server in plain text. It appears that some page assets on this forum may not be secured by SSL. 

When email the email are correctly placed in a subfolder to the inbox.

However, when I am using a / (slash) to route emails to a nested folder, for example: inbound+test/ it is delivered to the Inbox folder.

Is nested folder plus addressing a non-supported feature?


I am told by CWP user panel there is an error in the forwarding address when typing out a plus address. When setting up the plus address in hosting management panel the plus address is accepted.

Perhaps a bug or limitation in the programming of the user panel?

DNS / rDNS is required to match the hostname of CWP
« on: December 11, 2023, 10:14:09 AM »
I recently discovered that rDNS is required to match hostname or FQDN specified within CWP config. If not set the same, CWP declines operate normally and strips your accounts page links of the Domain and forces the IP instead with a result in SSL fail when trying to visit user panels or webmail boxes. I have no desire for rDNS to match the hostname.

Is there a workaround to curb the requirement?


Information / Unable to post or preview a reply - 403 Forbidden
« on: July 24, 2023, 07:32:22 AM »
Anyone else experiencing this?

Pages: [1]