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Topics - LPJon

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So I have found an issue since the last few days as well. I believe it is related to this issue at the following link: This is NOT a DNS problem, that is incorrectly reported by The challenge file that is placed in:
Code: [Select]
/usr/local/apache/autossl_tmp/.well-known/acme-challengeis not the same as what Letsencrypt is looking for resulting in a 404 error. That's why it's reporting a connection/DNS issue. I'm using Nginx->varnish->Apache setup. Not sure what happened but it looks like the file names are not being generated properly.

Letsencrypt is looking for the challenge in:
Code: [Select]
when it should be looking for the challenge in:
Code: [Select]<actual file name for challenge>

Below is a github link to my repo where I have fixed both the netdata install and CWP Pro Terminal install scripts. I didn't know how else to report these so I made a topic here and posted on the forums at the links below. I tried setting up an account at but could never get a confirmation email.

CWP Pro Terminal

My Github:

I have a fix for this but oddly enough the CWP forums refuse to let me post it on here with a 403 forbidden error. If you want this fixed reply to this forum topic and I will help you get it done. It's not hard, but it just looks like CWP does NOT want you/me/anyone posting code here for fixing issues with their platform. To those out there that are gonna say it....yes I tried using the CODE enclosures.....they don't work.

In general the problem has to do with GCC and G++ being too old (4.5 I believe) and needs to be updated to 7. But that isn't enough, you also have to rip out the old remnants of the failed install the botched up.

I honestly don't understand why this has been an issue for so long as it's not hard to fix. It did take me a whole week to track down though.

If you are having issues with this reply to this forum topic and I will help you with it. CWP is not on a fast track to fix this.

Scripts / CWP Pro Terminal Fails to load with a blank (black) Screen
« on: August 28, 2023, 03:19:23 AM »
I have a fix for this but oddly enough the CWP forums refuse to let me post it on here with a 403 forbidden error. If you want this fixed reply to this forum topic and I will help you get it done. It's not hard, but it just looks like CWP does NOT want you/me/anyone posting code here for fixing issues with their platform. To those out there that are gonna say it....yes I tried using the CODE enclosures.....they don't work.

In general the problem has to do with GCC and G++ being too old (4.5 I believe) and needs to be updated to 7. But that isn't enough, you also have to rip out the old remnants of the failed install the botched up.

I honestly don't understand why this has been an issue for so long as it's not hard to fix. It did take me a whole week to track down though.

If you are having issues with this reply to this forum topic and I will help you with it. CWP is not on a fast track to fix this.

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