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Topics - ywrpromo

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DNS / Private nameserver/glue record config
« on: December 04, 2023, 05:29:35 PM »
Hi Guys,

So I'm pretty new to CWP, but I have a basic grasp of dns, just struggling with a few of the settings, so let me start from the beggining.

3 weeks ago I asked my registrar to update my glue record so I could run my own nameservers, they did this but this never propogated and the reason behind that was dynamic i.p (I didn't understand at the time as my router had dyndns) but fast forward 3 weeks I change ISP and get a static IP, prior to finding CWP, I messed about with other panels learning little by little along the way, a few days ago i installed CWP for the 1st time but removed it as it wasn't playing nicely with MediaCP, at that point I knew very little of CWP so i just ploughed ahead, remember prior to this I was still waiting for to propogate but as I know know it never would have done as it wasn't on a physical server so this last install I again tried with and it is propogating at last!! BUT there's warnings in leafdns that i need to correct such as the SOA record.

will the soa records update automatically?

can anyone point me in the right direction of what records should now be updated from my end in CWP.

if you need screen shots/logs please let me know if you need logs please tell me the location of these.

P.s Absolutelyloving this software, steep learning curve but enjoying it.

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