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Topics - Jake482

Pages: [1]
Installation / I am facing multiple problem with CWP and SSL
« on: December 18, 2023, 08:30:43 PM »
So, I am using CWP to test how it performs but I ran into several issues that I need help with.

So I installed CentOS 8 on a server and installed CWP using the installation instruction provided in the documents. I changed the webserver to NGINX+Varnish+Apache. I also changed my PHP version to 8.1.15. I created a cwp user added there. then I created a subdomain in the usercp called it so that the DNS is setup properly. I also ensured that both the domain and subdomain are pointing to the server by using

1. Whenever I reboot the server, The hostname changes back to default
2. When I generate an SSL under CWP>Change Hostname. It generates a self-signed certificate. and this is what I see in /var/log/cwp/autossl.log
2023-12-18 08:12:08 Failed http validation for Hostname:
2023-12-18 08:12:08 Self-signed SSL installed for Hostname:

3. from usercp when I try to generate an SSL for from Domain>AutoSSL this is the error I face
DNS of your domain doesn't point to this server or you have htaccess restrictions

How do I solve all these SSL issues? I've looked into the DNS editor and also tested that the domains are pointed to the server using nslookup both from the inside the server as well as other computers. I am truly baffled and out of ideas on what could be causing this.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Change URL for web gui
« on: December 16, 2023, 05:51:00 AM »
Hey, currently I am accessing the panels from hostname:2083 and hostname:2031 I would like to access them with and what's the best way to do this?

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