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Messages - cyberspace

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I don't use Monit personally and can't tell you why CWP doesn't configure it to monitor php-fpm for PHP 8.3. Anyway, review this tutorial:
it should help you to understand where Monit's config files are stored. Therefore you can add the necessary settings for php-fpm of php 8.3 using the settings for php-fpm of php 8.1, 8.2. etc. I do believe the changes will be minor.

I can build it / Re: Apache Status - Accesses
« on: September 26, 2024, 06:26:28 PM »
In case the server is configured to use the webserver config like: Nginx+Apache, Nginx+Varnish+Apache then the script must be changed to:

Code: [Select]
// Apache Status - Accesses v0.4

$url "http://localhost:8181/server-status";
$ch_session curl_init();
$result_url curl_exec($ch_session);


Additionally, to see the reals IPs of the visitors the module mod_rpaf should be replaced with the module mod_remoteip in the main apache config and configured accordingly. In other case the main IP address of the server will be shown as the visitor's IP.

Therefore, what about the PHP 7.4?

Is it still OK to use PHP 7.4 for the main server?

Actually, PHP 7.4 is EOL:
If you want to change it then you can do it here:
CWP admin --> PHP Settings --> PHP Version Switcher.
On my optinion, PHP 8.1 or any higher version will be ok.

It will change the PHP version used by the main webserver too and leave PHP-FPM versions intact.

E-Mail / Re: End-toEnd Encryption of emails
« on: September 26, 2024, 05:45:20 PM »
I think you can find detailed answers about ETEE on the FAQ section of the Thunderbird's website here:

Actually, you don't need to install any extra software on the server to support ETEE. You just need to add/import keys (public/private) to each mail application you use to manage emails.

To check which version of PHP is used by the website create a .php script with the following content:

Code: [Select]

in the document root (home folder) of the website and then access it over:
Remove the script after the test for security reasons.

Also, what do you get when you run:

Code: [Select]
php -vin the command prompt (shell) of your server ?

Installation / Re: Install fresh or elevate to Alma 8?
« on: September 26, 2024, 03:09:44 PM »
I recommend to install a fresh server, configure it according to your requirements and then migrate all accounts from the old server to new.

If you upgrade your current server using "elevate" then some software requirements/dependencies could be unmet and it will fail the whole migration process. So if you want to upgrade using elevate then it is better to make backup/snapshot of the production server before upgrade.

Postfix / Re: postfix only allow PDF attachments
« on: September 26, 2024, 01:06:41 PM »
Try the following regular expression:

Code: [Select]
/name=[^>]*\.\w{3}(?<!pdf)/ REJECT attachments not allowed

Code: [Select]
/^Content-Disposition:.*filename=.*\.\w{3}(?<!pdf)/ REJECT attachments not allowed
However, you need to check the above rules very closely.

PHP / Re: can't install new php version on PHP-FPM
« on: September 26, 2024, 09:48:14 AM »
Do you have any solution for this issue?

It looks like the provided build log is incomplete. There are a lot of errors like "No such file or directory".

If you have similar problem then try to build/update PHP and then provide us with your build log.

There is some problem associated with access permissions:

Code: [Select]
2024/09/25 09:27:17 [error] 28033#0: *12840 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning:  fopen(/home/gente/cron): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/user_files/modules/crontab/index.php on line 0

Code: [Select]
chown gente.gente /home/gente/cron
chmod 660 /home/gente/cron

and then check if the problem remains. If it still exists then check logs again.

Update CWP up to the latest stable version.

If the problem remains then look for errors in the file:
Code: [Select]

CentOS 8 Problems / Re: User with SSH can't run node commands on shell
« on: September 23, 2024, 08:50:08 PM »

Code: [Select]
export PATH=/opt/nvm/versions/node/vXX.XX.XX/bin:$PATH
in shell as the regular user and then:

Code: [Select]
If it work then just add:

Code: [Select]
export PATH=/opt/nvm/versions/node/vXX.XX.XX/bin:$PATH
into ~/.bashrc of the user (if the user uses bash)

Postfix / Re: connection refused to a domain on another virtual machine
« on: September 23, 2024, 08:13:13 PM »
Check the mail logs to identify where your VM tries to connect to when you send emails from VM1 to VM2. Make sure the MX records of the recipient's domain directs emails to the correct host.

What does happen when you run

Code: [Select]
telnet MX.HOST.COM 25
traceroute MX.HOST.COM
(MX.HOST.COM - mx record of the destination mail domain)

on the source mail host ?

Other / Re: Nginx Varnish Apache php-fpm 403 Forbidden
« on: September 23, 2024, 10:10:10 AM »
All services (nginx, varnish and apache) are installed and running. Therefore you need to dig logs to identify why you get the error 403. I recommend you to do following:

1. Create some test .html file and place it in the document root of the website
2. Create a test script .php and place it in the document root of the website too
3. Try to open the .html file over
if there is no error then the problem is caused by Varnish or Apache. In other case it means access is blocked by Nginx (check logs to get more info about the problem, review the nginx config file of the virtual host)

Do step 4 if the step 3 was accomplished without the error.

4. Try to open the .php script over
and check the logs to get more info about the problem. Look for the records associated with your WAN IP and your test script.

Other / Re: Nginx Varnish Apache php-fpm 403 Forbidden
« on: September 21, 2024, 06:40:39 PM »
The error 403 appears when the webserver can't access the file on the server. It can be caused by access permissions, mod_security, etc. More detailed info about the problem the webserver puts into the error log file by default. If you get nothing then you look inside a wrong log file or something like that.

So I recommend you to make sure the error logging is enabled in Nginx, Varnish and Apache. Double check you look for the error in the correct error log file.

However, it isn't good way to solve any problems in attempt to guess because it takes time and could lead far away from the solution.

Other / Re: Nginx Varnish Apache php-fpm 403 Forbidden
« on: September 21, 2024, 07:15:53 AM »
I couldn't recreate the problem on my Almalinux 8 test box.

What errors do you get in the files:

Code: [Select]

when you try to access the site with enabled Nginx, Varnish, Apache ?

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