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Messages - CoriaWeb Hosting

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CentOS Configuration / Re: IPv6 support
« on: February 12, 2020, 09:52:16 AM »
You can make it accept ipv6 websites with the method I indicate here:

Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 12, 2020, 09:50:35 AM »
What they should do (from now on). Is make the ...

Hi "coriaweb",

You reported it to the developers of CWP and CWP PRO ?

Yes, on several occasions. No way, the ticket's been open for a while now. :D

DNS / Re: Setup Pne Master DNS zone for many CWP Server
« on: February 11, 2020, 01:32:57 PM »
We used it that way, I just couldn't tell you how they did it, we got out of trouble, we paid the CWP team to do it.

Now, any server we want to add, we simply perform a few steps that we were told to include the dns cluster and that's it.

The documentation is not very clear, so we opted for them to do it, so there is less chance of errors.


CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: cpanel -> cwp migration issue
« on: February 10, 2020, 10:16:42 AM »
I had the same problem, the support team has already solved it on my server. They told me that it is fixed in the next update.

Information / Re: Billing problems with CWP's own WHMCS
« on: February 09, 2020, 08:35:49 AM »
I opened it several times, the last time they indicated that they would fix it, but in the meantime, we are behind in time when it comes to requesting support, since our times are delayed for that reason.


Information / Billing problems with CWP's own WHMCS
« on: February 08, 2020, 09:35:22 PM »
I don't know if it's just me or everyone else.

Everything I pay to the CWP team via paypal, always remains "pending", thus delaying any intervention that the support team has to make in our servers.

If someone from CWP reads this topic, please correct your system so that it detects paypal payments and does not leave the invoices as "pending".

Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 07, 2020, 10:54:58 AM »
What they should do (from now on). Is make the changelog work.

I found new bugs to fix:

* Cannot use the migration tool from CPanel, it always says it doesn't connect to the server.
* The new backup system, which keeps making incremental copies, should fix it by setting the limit and deleting the previous ones up to the number of days indicated.

Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 05, 2020, 02:59:44 PM »
Great answer Automata.

I also think that CWP is superior to many panels, we work with several and we have tried "almost all", including, paid, free, almost disappeared... :D

And I can say that CWP is even superior to CPanel many times in some aspects. And as it says, it is true that many functions we use in CPanel with additional cost in licenses, here it is free.


Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 05, 2020, 10:44:57 AM »
I agree with you. For example, we sent you a module to be able to use IPv6 and I don't even know if you have reviewed it to incorporate it. And we have it working.

In that aspect, the team should give more facility to receive collaborations. Without contributions, the only thing they can do is slow down.

Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 04, 2020, 03:26:57 PM »
Improvements are impossible without our feedback.  Yesterday I provided a lot of feedback on the nature of the problem with the failed User login.  I told them:
  • Turning of firewall made no differenc
  • Turning off mod_sec made no difference
  • All logs were checked for errors, none found
  • Source code for user login page was different between the functioning user login and the non functioning login
  • ssl log showed a problem in the priority of statements

I suspect that made their job easier and they quickly came out with a new release that fixed the problem.  Should I send them an invoice for my time?

Of course, just as we do when the faults are in other panels, we also bill CPanel when we alert them of the errors... ;)

We're supposed to have a good panel, so we're supposed to collaborate.

We have created a module that enables IPv6 in the CWP servers and can be assigned to the domains, we don't want money, what we want is to improve the product we use. I think we all want the same thing at the end of the day.

Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 04, 2020, 12:37:28 PM »
As it stands, CWP (whatever that stands for) is far too volatile to be considered a mainstream control panel. Undocumented, almost daily breaks/fixes puts paid to that. Pun intended.
Pricing in the $4/$5 per month puts it at the level of, for example DirectAdmin and even though I much prefer the CWP GUI, at that price point CWP Pro would fail entirely, IMHO. DirectAdmin is increasingly being offerred for free with VPS packages.

I currently run only one client site with CWP Pro, which is manageable, though I wouldn't trust any more than that! I have another CWP Pro instance, for my own application development. This is in addition to a couple of free CWP instances. I also run WHM (x3), DA (x2), webmin (x4) and other control panels - some purely for personal purposes eg. tertiary backups.

CWP Pro *should* open the gateway to Support Tickets, with the free version only forum based support. This doesn't mean Support caters for people who know little about how to run a server. It's to address issues with the panel itself.

Whilst I voted No in the poll above, there is scope to increase the annual fee a little, without putting too many people off, IMO. The developers of CWP do not do themselves any favours however, as the lack of forum participation and response to critique has a large bearing on the trust from potential Pro purchases, I'm sure.

Double the annual fee, and I'd take my money elsewhere - the risk factor of CWP is high enough as things stand. :-/
Note: I send the occasional voluntary donations to Linux Mint, wikipedia and other helpful sites. Once a blue moon folks have donated to me for my information/files too. Though not as active as a few years ago, I contributed much coding and 'fresh' ideas to a certain open source oscommerce derivative.

I like your comment. Actually, I think it's all about simply limiting the time spent on free customer support and spending that time improving the panel.

Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 04, 2020, 12:29:31 PM »
Opening the source code, I think, would not be a solution at all. The important thing is that you get organized with a roadmap and improve so that we can bring more customers to this panel.

I think the most viable option is to limit the support to only customers with contracted support plans, this would help reduce their workload by attending to requests or improve the income by having to pay for support, which would even help them to hire or improve the conditions of current programmers and have more time to spend on improving the panel.

Even the price of the PRO license, seems to me very low for the current features of this panel and the most important functions of it, making them only usable by PRO license customers, all this to help them to get more revenue and improve this system.

The current price of 1.49$ per month, is too low to keep the system stable, I think an updated price of about 4/5$ per month would be a much fairer price and would still be much cheaper than the different options existing today.

If someone thinks it's too much, it's because they don't really know what it costs to maintain a team.

If I have to pay then I will pay for cPanel.  You are missing the point about open source.

If anyone should pay it should be paid directly to  Apache is FREE.  Do you think we should pay Apache?  No, I didnt think so.  Your $$$ ideas are not welcome here.

Of course, the same is $45 against $1.45, or even $4/5.  :o

Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 04, 2020, 11:54:10 AM »
Opening the source code, I think, would not be a solution at all. The important thing is that you get organized with a roadmap and improve so that we can bring more customers to this panel.

I think the most viable option is to limit the support to only customers with contracted support plans, this would help reduce their workload by attending to requests or improve the income by having to pay for support, which would even help them to hire or improve the conditions of current programmers and have more time to spend on improving the panel.

Even the price of the PRO license, seems to me very low for the current features of this panel and the most important functions of it, making them only usable by PRO license customers, all this to help them to get more revenue and improve this system.

The current price of 1.49$ per month, is too low to keep the system stable, I think an updated price of about 4/5$ per month would be a much fairer price and would still be much cheaper than the different options existing today.

If someone thinks it's too much, it's because they don't really know what it costs to maintain a team.

Information / Re: Current work to improve CWP.
« on: February 03, 2020, 08:55:54 PM »
With present price of CWP Pro it is no way they''ll be able to answer tickets.

But idea can be to make paid for tickets, where sum is paid only for real solution of the issue or for fix.

But, it's just that currently I "think" that they cater to everyone, including tickets from those who don't have a PRO license. Is that right? That's why I meant that they only serve tickets from those who have PRO licenses, it would reduce their applications. Even if we get "demanding", only to those who have a support plan of this page:

We use enterprise to collaborate and improve this project, while paying for partner service.

E-Mail / Re: Upgrade CWP to use Postfix 3.X
« on: February 03, 2020, 05:42:37 PM »
we didn't say it will be not implemented, it is paused for sometime since we're focused on improving CWP more. Like New File manager is coming

Perhaps, you should think about what gives more functionality and is more necessary. For the whole market that comes from CPanel, this is super important, however, we have a functional file manager, so it is not "so important".

I think the only thing missing is to sort by order of importance.

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