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Messages - Wonder

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You are mentioning two different things..
Then, my english is not very good.
1. Backup Config - press "+", press wastebin.
This, any doubt, press "+" and you made new backup.
2. Previous backups - you can't delete/replace from the GUI - there is no option for backup retention, unlike Custom Backup. You need to use your own script.
Yes, this is what I meant.
So I understand that from the gui, they cannot be removed from the list.
I will look for info about my own script, I have seen a thread (specifically one of yours) where you indicate it.
I will look for info about it.

Parody, garbage can, shared hosting ...

I already saw in the searches that some answers here are not entirely "correct" ...

Call it what you want, it was a question, you will like it more or you will like it less. No, I have no option to delete, in "restore account", the long list of configurations or backups that I have been doing during these days. Every time I set up a new backup I would add it, even if it was the same destination, it would add, not replace, and now the list is huge. Only one, it gives me the option to delete.

Parody? Call it whatever you want, answers like this make you want to migrate all the vps you have to this panel ...

Backup / How deleted some configs backups in New Backup - Restore Option?
« on: November 21, 2020, 11:08:19 PM »
I'm new in CWP, I'm configured some backups in New Backup, now, when I access to new backup, in the right side (option Restore), appears a lot of configs that I made.
How can I deleted this olds configs backup that I was made?

Thanks and regards!

Apache / Re: How can install mod_remoteip ?
« on: November 21, 2020, 05:04:46 PM »
Adding a little query to this thread ...
I want to configure to only accept, the apache, the traffic for 80 and 443 of the ips addresses only of cloudflare, I have seen this guide / tutorial
But they are indications for the cloudflare module and not the remoteip.
Would it be the same procedure?

Thanks and regards!

Apache / Re: How can install mod_remoteip ?
« on: November 20, 2020, 11:31:19 AM »
As simple as that...
Maybe many years used to another panel ... :)

Thanks for your answer and indications, now, to configure it :)

Apache / How can install mod_remoteip ?
« on: November 19, 2020, 09:18:52 PM »
At the first time, I'm new in CWP, I have some VPS with other panel, I view this panel (new for me) and I try in one this CWP, is very good, I think in transfer all others servers to this CWP.

Well, I have a doubt, I search but I don't view how made, I need install mod_remoteip, the site is with cloudflare and I need install this remoteip, I view instructions for install mod_cloudflare, but this mod, is no longer supported or developed by cloudflare.

Its possible install mod_remoteip?

Thanks and regards.

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