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Messages - erm3nda

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Apache / Re: Default Page Displayed for all domains
« on: December 30, 2014, 09:19:09 AM »
Aha.... i see like that.



Wich of them do you think will run faster?

Softaculous / Custom package
« on: December 30, 2014, 09:12:54 AM »
I tried it with some scripts with success.

If you try to install Prestashop it gives you ONLY 1.6 version, wich is a full shit compared to previous last, Never versions are NEVER stable, so i CANNOT make a Prestashop production webpage with Softaculous.

I have read about create my custom packages on Scriptaculous. I have not make my own yet. No time for that now.

Do someone created or located a custom package with previous versions of Prestashop? I have Googled a bit and found nothing. Little bit impressed, because it was on the catalog. Just dissapeared :(

Maybe i can get older Softaculous releases including it...

E-Mail / Re: Change E-Mail Password
« on: December 30, 2014, 08:57:49 AM »
Doh, I´m sorry. Do not figure OUT was that.

Basically, GO to mail section (
Click ON THE NAME of the mailbox you wanna edit.
Edit or/and Save your new password.

As i have see now, root admin can change password and see it.
Anyway, if you have a passwd you will advert about the change.

No matter if you wanna hide passw from admin, it can log into ANY user account then set email again, and SEE it. For the most paranoids, you must know that emails can be readed in a plain text format with NO AUTHORIZATION *, because that layer of security is email server based, not filesystem based. Only PGP (2.6 or above) signed emails will be safe from a sysadmin.

* This happends in MOST hosting panels. Emailing is not an encrypted thing.

Installation / Re: IP Address Issues
« on: December 30, 2014, 08:44:44 AM »
I read that and im not sure about wich problem do you face.
Seems you have not set IP properly, or that you are accessing from your OWN server, not from outside of it's net.

Can you add more info?

CSF Firewall / Re: DDoS Protection script
« on: December 30, 2014, 08:38:29 AM »
Thank you for such info.

I have used mod_slowloris when rebuilding Apache, and now with anti DDOS i can sleep a 1% more restfull than yesterday. My real panic comes from the invoice of the machines hahahaha.

Dudes about a "good connection limit".
Anyone with real experience on that?

#### Below this line i can be totally wrong. Tell me if you know ####

By "a connection (1)" i think "a single http request", like open a basic html/php web page wich is a GET http request. But if webpage has 20 images, the number or connections will be 1 or 21?

20 images can be 20 image resources being loaded from 1 connection, but usually would be a 4 simultaneous connections downloading 5 resources each one. I read somewhere that http web request can read up to 4 resources/link/images at time per domain. (This is the WHY about CDN techniques, 4 connections per sub/domain using extra subdomains for static/public content, and also applies for combine files, to reduce amount of request to get the full page load).

ANYWAY, i think 250x30 secs = 500 per minute, a bit HIGH value.
But if you have a bulletin board, a gallery or something like that may be LOW value.
As i see, i cannot set that rules PER DOMAIN. Don't?

By now i set it to 100/30 to do some testings :D.

Best regards.

How to / Re: Better Logging
« on: December 30, 2014, 08:05:36 AM »
That sounds cool. I have not need about log others IP yet, but glad to know about Varnish proxy IP bypass.

Thank you for share.

Apache / Re: The server's fully qualified domain name
« on: December 30, 2014, 08:01:21 AM »
FQDN stands for Full Qualified Domain Name.

Subdomains are NOT Full Qualified, onty top tld domain names are welcome to that, so Apache test cannot tell you NEVER the oppossite.

Example: is FQDN, a top level domain (tld). is 2ēnd level domain, usually known as subdomain. is 3ērd level domain, you can call it also a subdomain, but deeper.

Note: if you buy MAY be threated as NOT FQDN on many tests even if it's really a TLD, because is recognized as subdomain if you use a string comparison operation. These tipe or pseudo top tld has to be bypassed on those each test you submit it.

As example, i got rejected on many listings to try use (NO MORE)

Think about internet and tech are not fine tuned.

E-Mail / Re: receive email
« on: December 30, 2014, 07:53:12 AM »

Seems you have not create that email box into your system.

Put a domain into the user account you want to test.
Create the local inbox for that user, may look like "".
Then now send a email to that server.

I use email on my CWP enabled server with no prob.

Installation / Re: CWP - suitable for a single user/domain CP?
« on: December 30, 2014, 07:41:18 AM »
Glen, him talks about use 1 and only 1 domain while accessing their VPS to do not tell "others" this is a shared hosting or "look like one" even if is not a shared system.

But i think it's a little paranoid. There's no real difference between use 2 domains/ip pairs on same VPS. So, it's the IP/domain association the thing it wanna kept as "single".

Anyway, kept access private until web open is the best way to do so.
You can also open doors only to GoogleBot and let it scanning your web before the real open date.


Apache / Re: Default Page Displayed for all domains
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:16:58 PM »
Using VestaCP for a year at a production environment. There has never ever been a single problem to date.

Aha, i saw VestaCP, it's a little gem of hosting software, but powerless than cwp.
The more stuff you put the more ways to broke it.

Installation / Re: CWP - suitable for a single user/domain CP?
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:12:07 PM »
I suggest you to use your main domain from the start. Add an apache AUTH password based on htaccess. That will prevent anyone to dig into your server contents.

Doing that, you have not to worry about use another domains or subdomains.
I do that to my own develops to avoid changing names, domains or locations.
Develop on real is the only way to get real errors :D

AUTH is your friend. Take a look:

DNS / Re: Wildcard DNS in centos webpanel
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:08:16 PM »
Concept is that enabling wildcard is exactly add a "wildcard" instead a name.

Any domain has a dns entry into the bind config file. example: IN A

wildcard example:
* IN A

Using wilcard you will redirect all misstyped subdomains to your choice.

Everything into the panel made changes into config files. Everytime you dude, go to these files. ( /etc/bind/named.conf )

DNS Manager / Free centos dns manager contact info
« on: December 26, 2014, 04:56:31 PM »
Im codding a little today, and im confused about the way of post data into that panel.
There's no email nor contact form...

I have to know something after i can finish my work.
Can you provide a email to me? How did you contact them?


This is due to suPHP. All files into the folder has to be owned by current user.

CentOS Configuration / Re: How to setup user quotas ?
« on: December 16, 2014, 07:03:59 AM »
Related to OpenVZ, the first check we have to do is change another's fresh user account the try to write disk.

If you can write disk with ANY user you have not reach OpenVZ container and it's your server problem/missconfiguration. If you reach global Container limits, you can write at all, plus the VPS can shutdown due to that and restart in recovery mode.

A example to write test can be using dd, by creating dummy file:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=delete-me bs=128M count=1; sync; rm -f delete-me; echo "Test finished. File removed.";

This will write 128Mb of random content and show you statistitcs.


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