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Messages - adamjedgar

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CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: Users are unable to access their accounts
« on: May 04, 2019, 10:28:35 PM »
I too am having this problem today on a new account that i have just setup.

I have tried swapping web servers from nginx to apache and that doesnt help.

Has anyone found a solution?

so when i attempt to do the following:

dashboard>User Accounts>List Accounts>Open UserDir returns Nginx 404 Error Not Found

I figured it was probably nothing to worry about.

None of the other control panels I have used have done this before.

why on earth are these fixes required just days after the updates have been released? This is happening time and time again...almost every time an update is released, urgent patches are also required by CWP developers. That demonstrates to me a complete lack of forward thinking from developers!

Am i wrong in this? I hope I am wrong in this!

I have just run the latest updates as directed by the CWP admin dashboard. I installed the updates and now have a huge list of MD5 checksum errors sent to my email.

Should i be worried about these, or is this just an overly sensitive security software complaint?

The MD5 Checksum errors are listed below;

Time:     Wed May  1 08:00:42 2019 +1000

The following list of files have FAILED the md5sum comparison test. This means that the file has been changed in some way. This could be a result of an OS update or application upgrade. If the change is unexpected it should be investigated:

/usr/bin/bootctl: FAILED
/usr/bin/busctl: FAILED
/usr/bin/c++: FAILED
/usr/bin/cc: FAILED
/usr/bin/coredumpctl: FAILED
/usr/bin/cpp: FAILED
/usr/bin/cpupower: FAILED
/usr/bin/g++: FAILED
/usr/bin/gcc: FAILED
/usr/bin/gcov: FAILED
/usr/bin/hostnamectl: FAILED
/usr/bin/journalctl: FAILED
/usr/bin/localectl: FAILED
/usr/bin/loginctl: FAILED
/usr/bin/machinectl: FAILED
/usr/bin/pango-list: FAILED
/usr/bin/pango-view: FAILED
/usr/bin/rsync: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemctl: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-analyze: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-ask-password: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-cat: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-cgls: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-cgtop: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-coredumpctl: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-delta: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-escape: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-firstboot: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-hwdb: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-inhibit: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-loginctl: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-machine-id-setup: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-notify: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-path: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-run: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-stdio-bridge: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles: FAILED
/usr/bin/systemd-tty-ask-password-agent: FAILED
/usr/bin/timedatectl: FAILED
/usr/bin/udevadm: FAILED
/usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-c++: FAILED
/usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-g++: FAILED
/usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc: FAILED
/usr/sbin/arpd: FAILED
/usr/sbin/bridge: FAILED
/usr/sbin/ctstat: FAILED
/usr/sbin/devlink: FAILED
/usr/sbin/dmfilemapd: FAILED
/usr/sbin/dmsetup: FAILED
/usr/sbin/dmstats: FAILED
/usr/sbin/genl: FAILED
/usr/sbin/halt: FAILED
/usr/sbin/ifstat: FAILED
/usr/sbin/init: FAILED
/usr/sbin/ip: FAILED
/usr/sbin/kexec: FAILED
/usr/sbin/lnstat: FAILED
/usr/sbin/makedumpfile: FAILED
/usr/sbin/mkdumprd: FAILED
/usr/sbin/nstat: FAILED
/usr/sbin/poweroff: FAILED
/usr/sbin/reboot: FAILED
/usr/sbin/rtacct: FAILED
/usr/sbin/rtmon: FAILED
/usr/sbin/rtstat: FAILED
/usr/sbin/runlevel: FAILED
/usr/sbin/shutdown: FAILED
/usr/sbin/ss: FAILED
/usr/sbin/tc: FAILED
/usr/sbin/telinit: FAILED
/usr/sbin/udevadm: FAILED
/usr/sbin/vmcore-dmesg: FAILED
/bin/bootctl: FAILED
/bin/busctl: FAILED
/bin/c++: FAILED
/bin/cc: FAILED
/bin/coredumpctl: FAILED
/bin/cpp: FAILED
/bin/cpupower: FAILED
/bin/g++: FAILED
/bin/gcc: FAILED
/bin/gcov: FAILED
/bin/hostnamectl: FAILED
/bin/journalctl: FAILED
/bin/localectl: FAILED
/bin/loginctl: FAILED
/bin/machinectl: FAILED
/bin/pango-list: FAILED
/bin/pango-view: FAILED
/bin/rsync: FAILED
/bin/systemctl: FAILED
/bin/systemd-analyze: FAILED
/bin/systemd-ask-password: FAILED
/bin/systemd-cat: FAILED
/bin/systemd-cgls: FAILED
/bin/systemd-cgtop: FAILED
/bin/systemd-coredumpctl: FAILED
/bin/systemd-delta: FAILED
/bin/systemd-detect-virt: FAILED
/bin/systemd-escape: FAILED
/bin/systemd-firstboot: FAILED
/bin/systemd-hwdb: FAILED
/bin/systemd-inhibit: FAILED
/bin/systemd-loginctl: FAILED
/bin/systemd-machine-id-setup: FAILED
/bin/systemd-notify: FAILED
/bin/systemd-nspawn: FAILED
/bin/systemd-path: FAILED
/bin/systemd-run: FAILED
/bin/systemd-stdio-bridge: FAILED
/bin/systemd-tmpfiles: FAILED
/bin/systemd-tty-ask-password-agent: FAILED
/bin/timedatectl: FAILED
/bin/udevadm: FAILED
/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-c++: FAILED
/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-g++: FAILED
/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc: FAILED
/sbin/arpd: FAILED
/sbin/bridge: FAILED
/sbin/ctstat: FAILED
/sbin/devlink: FAILED
/sbin/dmfilemapd: FAILED
/sbin/dmsetup: FAILED
/sbin/dmstats: FAILED
/sbin/genl: FAILED
/sbin/halt: FAILED
/sbin/ifstat: FAILED
/sbin/init: FAILED
/sbin/ip: FAILED
/sbin/kexec: FAILED
/sbin/lnstat: FAILED
/sbin/makedumpfile: FAILED
/sbin/mkdumprd: FAILED
/sbin/nstat: FAILED
/sbin/poweroff: FAILED
/sbin/reboot: FAILED
/sbin/rtacct: FAILED
/sbin/rtmon: FAILED
/sbin/rtstat: FAILED
/sbin/runlevel: FAILED
/sbin/shutdown: FAILED
/sbin/ss: FAILED
/sbin/tc: FAILED
/sbin/telinit: FAILED
/sbin/udevadm: FAILED
/sbin/vmcore-dmesg: FAILED

Updates / why is cron for php 71 running when i have php73 installed?
« on: April 30, 2019, 09:37:46 PM »
why is the following cron using php71 being automatically generated by CWP?

I have setup webserver to run php 7.3 fpm.

   0 2 * * * /usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron_notificate_user.php

Also, what does this cron actually do?

Updates / Re: Anacron <root@domain.guest>
« on: April 30, 2019, 09:12:27 PM »
I guess something broken. Try to contact CWP support.

I went into CWP and deleted that cron altogether yesterday, and yet this morning here it is running again. If i deleted the cron job, how can i possibly be still getting this error?

I now have the following error


Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded

============= CentOS Web Panel Cron ================

Firewall Flush Daily Blocks

Update Server Packages
TERM environment variable not set.
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwp-phpfpm.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload cwp-phpfpm.service
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded

Date which backup script is using: 2019-04-30 17:09:01

cpulimit: no process found

If something is broken, its because of poor coding by CWP developers. I am not paying for support because of a fuckup made by the programs own developers! I sent a contact form request and it has been ignored.

I have done some google search on the cron erro i am getting...and, remembering the cron that is causing this problem was automatically generated/created by CWP itself (not me), it is clearly a result of bad coding/scripting! Why should i pay support for them to fix their own errors?

Other / Re: Paid pro licenses, unable to submit support tickets
« on: April 30, 2019, 08:48:13 PM »
I might be weong, but i believe Centos web panel support is not included in the pro version unless you pay extra.
I have submitted requests through contact form...they never get answered.

You just have to post on the forum and hope someone answers. Another option is to try stack exchange. I get more sense out of "stack" than I do anywhere else.

One way of telling a great product from a crap one is by looking at the number of unanswered forum posts! It amazes me how many developers do not understand Google all the unanswered posts rank on Google (a lot on the first page)

IT companies with the best reputations always do their utmost to provide first class forum interactions with customers and staff.

My default webserver is nginx + php-fpm

Issue 1.

If i attempt to install an AutoSSL from user account, it says its updated successfully, however, when i check on the front end (ie a wordpress website for example), there is no SSL.

If i then go to the root administrator CWP and create an SSL from there for all domains, then voila, wordpress now detects SSL for the domain and works as expected.

I am confused by this?

Issue 2.

Also, even though the user domain now has a valid SSL, in CWP.user dashboard>Domains>AutoSSL, there are no valild SSL certificates listed (when i select the users domain, SSL area below is completely blank.

Can someone advise as to what is causing the above 2 issues?

Updates / Re: Anacron <root@domain.guest>
« on: April 29, 2019, 09:47:33 PM »

Thanks Igor,
I have submitted a request through CWP contact form for help on this. In the meantime, i have done some research and have some questions for the forum that i hope may allow me to resolve the error myself...thus helping others on the forum who may encounter this in the future.

I found is a third party software written in 2006 by Angelo Marletta and is available on sourceforge (although it doesnt appear to have been updated since it was put on github back in 2012 (and quite possibly not since 2008?). 

1. CPULimit

Can i just manually install CPULimit via following instructions?

svn checkout cpulimit
Then extract the source and compile with make:
tar zxf cpulimit-xxx.tar.gz
cd cpulimit-xxx
Executable file name is cpulimit. You may want to copy it in /usr/bin.

2. Ioncube loader

In terms of the ioncube loader error, is there a way of adding something to the update script that also restarts ioncube loader...I am wondering if the current script has an error in it, or the wrong command for restarting ioncube loader?

3. SSL Certs Error

Finally, the acme SSL certs error...

grep: /root/*/*.conf: No such file or directory

I have not yet properly setup websites with SSL i am assuming that CWP is using self signed ones for the few test domains i have on the server. if i were to configure websites on it with SSL, my assumption is that this directory would then be created automatically by cwp and therefore would go away?


In all honesty, people who don't know what these things mean, or don't know how to find said information from the "vps providers" own control panel, shouldn't be using a vps in the first place!

CWP is not responsible for IP are supposed to setup a brand new vps with minimal Operating system install in place before adding a control panel to it. That is all done via the vps provider interface.

From there, finding the relevant information is simple.


I am using cwp7 and very new to this.
I am hosting a working site name
i wanted and to point to the directory as
How do i do this? Do i need to create every user for b and ? This will end up using more storage.
thanx for the help..

This is done via your domain registrar and is called "domain forwarding"

Essentially that means I if someone types into their browser, your registrar redirects to in a users web browser.

You do this in my above example at registrar.

Who is your domain registrar?

Installation / Re: Just why????
« on: April 28, 2019, 10:12:56 PM »
I can see you are trying to install php-fpm.

What is the problem exactly? Are you also changing from apache to nginx or vice versa? Apache and nginx are different web servers so when you swap from one to the other I would expect you have to allow cwp to do this.

What happens if you follow the guide and go ahead  install/reinstall the web servers? If this is a new server, and hasn't got anything important on it, why not just do what it's asking you to do...but don't keep swapping from apache to nginx and back all the time if you don't want this to also happen.

Updates / Anacron <root@domain.guest>
« on: April 27, 2019, 08:15:58 AM »
Can someone explain what is wrong below.
How do i resolve this?


Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded

============= CentOS Web Panel Cron ================

Firewall Flush Daily Blocks

Update Server Packages
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded
grep: /root/*/*.conf: No such file or directory
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded

Date which backup script is using: 2019-04-26 17:43:18

cpulimit: no process found

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