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Messages - Sandeep

Pages: 1 ... 91 92 [93] 94 95 ... 114
MySQL / Re: Problem mysqld dwon more time
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:09:51 AM »
use cloudflare security and check this is happening again or not.

E-Mail / Re: I can not enabled clamav?!?
« on: May 16, 2016, 08:02:10 PM »
Amavis will scan the mail for the virus

How to / Re: How To Install Forever
« on: May 16, 2016, 03:44:19 PM »
you can't install forever with cwp installed.

CentOS 6 Problems / Re: special characters
« on: May 16, 2016, 03:40:38 PM »
what do you mean ? you can use any password

act first reload/refresh the page and click on Load icon to disable it

E-Mail / Re: I can not enabled clamav?!?
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:26:25 PM »
restart all mail server services

if this fails then do this :

unchecked DKIM and rebuild postfix with 1st option checked i.e. "ClamAV, Amavis & Spamassassin, Requires 1Gb+ RAM"
after that check two option dkim and antivirus option enabled, again you have to rebuild the the postfix when done restart all mail server services

MySQL / Re: Problem mysqld dwon more time
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:33:03 PM »
Contact your host for this issue may be a vps ssd problem

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: how can i suspend user ?
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:31:57 PM »
Contact support team for custom request

E-Mail / Re: ClamAV and AMaViS (A Mail Virus Scanner)stop working
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:30:17 PM »
Enter the code in ssh/terminal

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: how can i suspend user ?
« on: May 15, 2016, 12:53:52 PM »
you need to delete the account ... as suspension is the temporary process

MySQL / Re: Problem mysqld dwon more time
« on: May 15, 2016, 12:45:59 PM »
when this happens most ?

when you restart the server, immediately you get this error message ?

E-Mail / Re: I can not enabled clamav?!?
« on: May 15, 2016, 12:27:00 PM »
did you rebuild the postfix with anti virus option enabled ?

Backup / Re: Backup Remote to FreeNas Server
« on: May 15, 2016, 07:27:06 AM »
did you mean that remote backup is working but backup through ssh is not working ?

Backup / Re: Backup Remote to FreeNas Server
« on: May 15, 2016, 01:16:19 AM »
You need to provide all required details for remote backup did you?

E-Mail / Re: roundcube
« on: May 15, 2016, 01:12:59 AM »
For openvz u need to contact vps provider they will help u

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