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PHP / Re: PHP-FPM sodium module should have argon2 support.
« on: December 19, 2021, 01:29:29 PM »I had a sodium error last week. I think it appeared when I was trying to switch to php 7.4.24 from 5.6
It could be because sodium is not supporting PHP RFC: Argon2 Password Hash - aka argon2I for password hashing.
PHP / Re: PHP-FPM sodium module should have argon2 support.
« on: December 18, 2021, 10:33:39 PM »
Looks like this could just be a PHP configuration requirement and Nextcloud is errantly throwing the sodium module not present error because of it. I am not sure it is sodium-related. Looks like from my post(s) above it is just something that needs to be added to the PHP build.
PHP / Re: PHP-FPM sodium module should have argon2 support.
« on: December 18, 2021, 10:26:50 PM »
php -r 'print_r(get_defined_constants());' | grep -i argon
should output something like:
should output something like:
Code: [Select]
# php -r 'print_r(get_defined_constants());' | grep -i argon
[PASSWORD_ARGON2I] => argon2i
[PASSWORD_ARGON2ID] => argon2id
PHP / Re: PHP-FPM sodium module should have argon2 support.
« on: December 18, 2021, 10:21:03 PM »20
PHP / PHP-FPM sodium module should have argon2 support.
« on: December 18, 2021, 06:43:06 PM »
The sodium module in PHP-FPM 8.0 (well likely all of them) is not being compiled with argon2 support. We need something like:
./configure --with-password-argon2
Added to the compiler for PHP-FPM. Can anyone comment on this? It is throwing an error for me in Nextcloud due to it.
./configure --with-password-argon2
Added to the compiler for PHP-FPM. Can anyone comment on this? It is throwing an error for me in Nextcloud due to it.
Updates / Re: 0.98.1104 update denied permissions
« on: November 30, 2021, 03:19:09 PM »
I just recieve the following:
Which is the same thing that showed after the end of all the errors I got yesterday. Is there a way to force the download of the update package? It would seem that CWP7 thinks it is updated properly and I don't know that it has with all of those hundreds or thousands of errors
Code: [Select]
============= CentOS Web Panel Cron ================
Firewall Flush Daily Blocks
Update Server Packages
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart httpd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload httpd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload httpd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart httpd.service
Which is the same thing that showed after the end of all the errors I got yesterday. Is there a way to force the download of the update package? It would seem that CWP7 thinks it is updated properly and I don't know that it has with all of those hundreds or thousands of errors
Updates / 0.98.1104 update denied permissions
« on: November 30, 2021, 05:07:19 AM »
I ran the cron job to update the server (sh /scripts/update_cwp) but when it went to update after downloading, it came up with errors for everything. I was logged in as root. I don't think any files were updated. This is the end of my log but this same error scrolled across the screen from the time it downloaded and unzipped.
Thanks in advance; hopefully people will be on the lookout for this if they run the cron job to update the server version. The only reason I was using the corn was because the Dashboard Interface was timing out with a 504 error.
Code: [Select]
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/circular/064.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/circular/070.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/circular/041.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/circular/022.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/045.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/058.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/031.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/048.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/006.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/009.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/037.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/043.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/063.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/036.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/053.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/018.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/004.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/057.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/024.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/014.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/032.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/005.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/loaders/horizontal/062.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/thumbs-up.jpg
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/online.gif
Permission denied
error: cannot delete old admin/design/img/offline.png
Permission denied
Thanks in advance; hopefully people will be on the lookout for this if they run the cron job to update the server version. The only reason I was using the corn was because the Dashboard Interface was timing out with a 504 error.
Installation / Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« on: March 05, 2021, 03:30:43 AM »
Thanks, you too.

Installation / Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« on: March 05, 2021, 03:00:03 AM »
"If you're reporting a bug, that different."
My apologies. Yes I am reporting several bugs here, table for three? - ioncube8.0, uploadprogress, and imagick are not compiling right when selected... (Well uploadprogress is installed but is strangely throwing errors.)
I pay money for this software - I expect you do too. It is not too much to ask that it works as advertised. I know how to and do run LAMP stacks...
Now thank you Sir, that IS helpful:
"Just an FYI. There is no loader for PHP 8, because ioncube has not made a loader for php8 as of yet. Just checked the site myself, as I have a license. When once becomes available, I'm sure CWP will include it."
But CWP should not include the option to install something that doesn't exist yet. If they didn't want to remove the option they could have added text to the line informing people it is not yet available.
Okay so PHP 8 is not ready for release in CWP yet, but software is - that happens, but it would have been simple to make that clear in the compiler settings. Or post it as a thread in the forums or in some sort of documentation... Oh, that's right CWP does not publish changelogs which would have told us this. Oh yeah... Bone of contention for a long time with CWP.
Sorry we got off on such the wrong foot. I will never understand why they created the ioncube.ini with a reference to something nonexistent then. If that were not generated I would likely have never ended up posting as I would have sought the wisdom you did and ran a simple search.
I digress, imagick and uploadprogress still need attention.
My apologies. Yes I am reporting several bugs here, table for three? - ioncube8.0, uploadprogress, and imagick are not compiling right when selected... (Well uploadprogress is installed but is strangely throwing errors.)
I pay money for this software - I expect you do too. It is not too much to ask that it works as advertised. I know how to and do run LAMP stacks...
Now thank you Sir, that IS helpful:
"Just an FYI. There is no loader for PHP 8, because ioncube has not made a loader for php8 as of yet. Just checked the site myself, as I have a license. When once becomes available, I'm sure CWP will include it."
But CWP should not include the option to install something that doesn't exist yet. If they didn't want to remove the option they could have added text to the line informing people it is not yet available.
Okay so PHP 8 is not ready for release in CWP yet, but software is - that happens, but it would have been simple to make that clear in the compiler settings. Or post it as a thread in the forums or in some sort of documentation... Oh, that's right CWP does not publish changelogs which would have told us this. Oh yeah... Bone of contention for a long time with CWP.
Sorry we got off on such the wrong foot. I will never understand why they created the ioncube.ini with a reference to something nonexistent then. If that were not generated I would likely have never ended up posting as I would have sought the wisdom you did and ran a simple search.
I digress, imagick and uploadprogress still need attention.
Installation / Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« on: March 04, 2021, 11:53:12 PM »
You take me for a fool Sir. I specified the path to the php-fpm PHP executable in:
sudo -u accountusername /opt/alt/php-fpm80/usr/bin/php ./command goes here
Why are you arguing with me over this? Can you not see the missing ioncube module that is getting called by ioncube.ini (/opt/alt/php-fpm80/usr/php/php.d/ioncube.ini) in my image? There is no "" (or either...) present in the folder. So naturally it's not showing up in phpinfo.php. What gives? I have over 40 years doing this...
Then there's a problem with uploadprogress and no imagick installation either. All of this is visible in my posts. You have asked me a question that was answered by the title of my post even! If you are a dev for the project I see why there are problems.
Is this plain enough for you? Here are the contents of the ioncube.ini file. Show me where that is (not) in the folder...
sudo -u accountusername /opt/alt/php-fpm80/usr/bin/php ./command goes here
Why are you arguing with me over this? Can you not see the missing ioncube module that is getting called by ioncube.ini (/opt/alt/php-fpm80/usr/php/php.d/ioncube.ini) in my image? There is no "" (or either...) present in the folder. So naturally it's not showing up in phpinfo.php. What gives? I have over 40 years doing this...
Then there's a problem with uploadprogress and no imagick installation either. All of this is visible in my posts. You have asked me a question that was answered by the title of my post even! If you are a dev for the project I see why there are problems.
Is this plain enough for you? Here are the contents of the ioncube.ini file. Show me where that is (not) in the folder...
Installation / Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« on: March 04, 2021, 03:50:06 AM »
uploadprogress IS showing up in the phpinfo as version 1.1.3 but there is some mystery problem that has PHP throwing an error over it - maybe a misconfiguration somewhere. The file:
Seems OK. "" --> which should be right...
I don't know but it throws an error when I try to use the PHP CLI executable.
Seems OK. "" --> which should be right...
I don't know but it throws an error when I try to use the PHP CLI executable.
Installation / Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« on: March 04, 2021, 03:30:16 AM »
I just now noticed from my own phpinfo that "imagick" is not installed either and it is surely selected in the settings. Come on guys and gals...
Installation / Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« on: March 04, 2021, 02:30:56 AM »
I'm sorry I am just frustrated that the developers don't double-check their work is all. And this isn't the first time for ioncube loader not to be installed with a PHP recompile. I had it hose a CWP server because it didn't install ioncube for CWP.
And we aren't even talking about the missing uploadprogresss installation either.
And we aren't even talking about the missing uploadprogresss installation either.
Installation / Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« on: March 04, 2021, 01:47:47 AM »
Webserver Settings-> Webservers Domain Config
Is set to apache>php-fpm
PHP-FPM version: 8.0
This setting overrides the other setting you asked for...
Is set to apache>php-fpm
PHP-FPM version: 8.0
This setting overrides the other setting you asked for...
Installation / Re: ioncube 8.0 and uploadprogress not being compiled in php-fpm 8.0.2
« on: March 04, 2021, 01:42:09 AM »
rcschaff IT'S NOT THERE. Just like the original post says. It ( is not in the /usr/local/ioncube folder - older versions are but 8.0 is not. Posting a phpinfo.php is only going to show you that in that section of the page Ioncube is not loaded.
...and the forums won't let me insert an image here, go look at:
See it is NOT THERE. It is installing the .ini but not the module - that's why the error came up it is trying to load a module that is not there...
...and the forums won't let me insert an image here, go look at:
See it is NOT THERE. It is installing the .ini but not the module - that's why the error came up it is trying to load a module that is not there...