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Messages - LiamTGCS

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Apache / cPanel Account Backup to CWP
« on: May 04, 2020, 09:26:06 AM »
Hey guys, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction here -

I've backed up my cPanel account from my shared, and managed web-hosting.
Everything looks fine, some files didn't transfer accross (such as sub-domain files, but that's no big deal)

I mainly wanted emails to transfer across, which seems fine thus far.

For some reason, the main domain will not load the "public_html", instead, it is showing the CentOS WP landing page.
I've checked all folders within /home/USERNAME, and unfortunately, I can not locate the placeholder index page.

Loading the account folder by navigating to the HOSTNAME URL /~USERNAME (IE: successfully loads the correct files, within the /home/USERNAME/public_html - so somewhere's gone wrong, as in the domain itself is not correctly pointing to the /home/USERNAME/public_html

Creating a sub-domain on the URL works fine, and I am able to access it, so there's something wrong with the main domain not pointing to the public_html folder. Again, when I access the site using the above link (, it views the content fine - accessing the domain loads the CWP landing page.

I've looked inside the /usr/local/apache/conf.d/vhosts/ files, and I've compared the main domain, to another known-working domain, and they look fine. I'm not sure what other files I should check and cross-reference, as again, the domain is simply not pointing to the correct domain (I assume)

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