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Messages - Wonder

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PHP / Internal server Error or The server is temporarily unable
« on: March 06, 2024, 12:01:27 AM »
This happens to me.

I run a script in PHP, what it performs is a conversion of tables in the database, I used this script in the past, and it didn't give me any problems (in the same database) but... I used another panel.

Well, if I configure it to use php-cgi, at one point I get "Internal Server Error", if I configure it to use php-fpm, at the same point I get "The server is temporarily unable..."

And I've been dealing with this for many hours, I've tried everything I can think of and found, but I can't solve it.

Any idea? I'm starting to get a little desperate, to say the least... :)

PS: No errors in the apache or mysql log

SSL / Re: AutoSSL and Cloudflare
« on: February 26, 2024, 07:42:27 PM »
This is normal for Cloudflare, the RIGHT way to use cloudflare is that you install the cloudflare cert on your server, it is a wildcard ssl cert that goes between your server and cloudflare, then all proxied traffic is encrypted. Cloudflare then will use its own autossl between their servers and the internet.
This only works if you have your web server separate -- but that is not the normal use case for CWP, which as a general purpose hosting platform, also has e-mail. So you need the other SANs that aren't available on the wildcard certficate. And CF only handles port 80 -> 443 in that case, not mail ports.

Correct, that's what I wanted to say and/or add in my previous reply.

SSL / Re: AutoSSL and Cloudflare
« on: February 26, 2024, 11:41:36 AM »
This is a Cloudflare issue.

But I would log into Cloudflare, look at all the SSL settings for the domain name that is working correctly, and mirror those setting to the 2nd.

More than likely you have Cloudflare handling the SSL somewhere.

I have thought about it, because one server does work with the Cloudflare proxy and the other does not.
It has no explanation... I have reviewed the cloudflare configuration for the VPS that works for me, it does not handle any certificate.
I checked both accounts on Cloudflare and left them the same, with the same settings.
Maybe I should spend more and go point by point and see where the difference is.

This is normal for Cloudflare, the RIGHT way to use cloudflare is that you install the cloudflare cert on your server, it is a wildcard ssl cert that goes between your server and cloudflare, then all proxied traffic is encrypted. Cloudflare then will use its own autossl between their servers and the internet.

This happens on cpanel as well, it is the way traffic is being blocked to the autogenerated paths, and since we are unable to dynamically create dns records to validate domain ownership, it makes it very complicated.

It works sometimes, but if you REALLY want it to work ALL of the time, spend the extra few minutes and just download and install the cloudflare cert then make sure in cloudflare ssl is set to full,  and enable all of the ssl features.

Yes, I had already thought about it and done it in the past, it is easy to do, but....there I have a problem, I need the SAN for the email, if I do this, I do not have that possibility.

In cPanel, it didn't happen to me, but I haven't used it for a few years now...

SSL / AutoSSL and Cloudflare
« on: February 26, 2024, 02:51:39 AM »
Curious what happens to me, I have two servers, they are two different vps, both, the dns in the registrar point to Cloudflare and from there, to the sites.

Well, one, no problem, I have the A record of www and the site name pointing to VPS1 (proxyfied by Cloudflare, orange icon) and without problem, autossl renews me without any problem.

The second VPS, VPS2 and another site, there is no way, if I don't deactivate Cloudflare it won't generate the AutoSSL certificate... and I don't know what to do anymore, I'm a little desperate.

Thanks and regards.

E-Mail / Re: CWP Email Compromised & SPAM Filtering
« on: September 16, 2023, 07:38:58 PM »
I would love to know how to set this up with cwp7
Are you referring to spamassassin or what was indicated by the OP of the thread?

E-Mail / Re: Not connect to mail from i-mac devices
« on: February 08, 2023, 06:27:20 PM »
Are you supporting STARTTLS ports in addition to the SSL/TLS mail ports?
143 for IMAP, 25 for SMTP, 110 for POP3, 587 for submission.
I can't say how your Mac clients are set to connect to the server, but they can support both STARTTLS or SSL/TLS.

First of all, thanks for answering and apologies for the delay in answering, I spent a few days without being able to answer and the email notification entered my spam folder...

Indeed, in firewall I have those ports open, this is a list of the ports (I have removed those that are not relevant and/or are used for other things):

IN: 20, 21, 25, 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465, 587, 993, 995,
OUT: 20, 21, 25, 53, 80, 110, 113, 443, 143, 993, 995,
I'm seeing, 465 and 587 are not in OUT but they must be in IN not OUT (correct me if I'm wrong).

What I commented, thanks for the answer and sorry for my delay in answering, between the fact that I could not connect for a few days and the email notification arrived at spam...

This is a topic that has me intrigued, indeed, a Mac connects just like any other (I think...)

E-Mail / Re: Not receiving any spam emails
« on: February 08, 2023, 06:21:09 PM »
Sorry, it's ok, I've seen this answer now, I spent a few days without being able to connect and the notification email came to spam.
I'm glad you solved it

CSF Firewall / Re: The module csfofficial does not exist
« on: January 18, 2023, 10:19:34 AM »
Solved with re install csf...

CSF Firewall / The module csfofficial does not exist
« on: January 17, 2023, 11:43:32 AM »
I have 2 servers, are same, same o.s. same version of cwp, same version of config are same.
In one, I have in my menu: ConfigServerScripts - ConfigServerFirewall.
In the other server, I don't have this, and if I try to access by url per module, appears:
The module csfofficial does not exist

How can solved this?

Thanks and regards.

E-Mail / Re: Not connect to mail from i-mac devices
« on: January 15, 2023, 09:08:38 AM »
Any iddea or suggestion?


E-Mail / Not connect to mail from i-mac devices
« on: January 12, 2023, 11:01:28 AM »
Well, this strange case happens to me, from any other client, such as thunderbird, everything is perfect but... from two new i-mac devices, it does not connect to mail, testing, I have seen that, if I deactivate Firewall then it does connect, if I activate firewall does not connect.
But the imap firewall ports are correctly open, 993, 465...etc...otherwise it wouldn't work from Thunderbird for example.
And I don't like having to have the firewall disabled.

Any ideas? Because for me, it's the strangest thing I've ever seen...


E-Mail / Re: Not receiving any spam emails
« on: January 12, 2023, 10:55:04 AM »
I have a weird issue, and I'm sure its just a setting somewhere.

I am able to send and receive emails in my inbox and all that is working fine, but my spam/junk folder has not received a single email since setting up cwp (2 months). I suppose that's a good thing, but it isn't as some emails I receive are from legit sources that end up in the spam folder, but once I switched to cwp I no longer receive any junk emails.

Just wondering if I need to set up spam experts or antispam for emails detected as spam to be sent to spam folder?
There is something I don't quite understand, do you mean that emails identified as spam enter your inbox?

Installation / Re: Backup cpanel to CWP?
« on: February 09, 2022, 03:48:31 PM »
Ok, thanks for your reply and help!!!

Installation / Backup cpanel to CWP?
« on: February 09, 2022, 02:29:31 PM »
I transfer some sites from cpanel to CWP trough cPanel-->CWP Migration, in this case, CWP contact direct with server with cpanel.

But now, I have a old backup of a old site and I want re open this site, I have a backup of this old account of cpanel, but not have this format: cpmove-{USER}.tar.gz

The format are:

This format is valid for option cpanel account restore?

Thanks and regards.


If you apply the template to any domain in "Webservers Conf Domain", the future changes in templates will not affect your customization.
Yes, at this moment I have it like this, so I have had to do so as not to lose my custom configurations (such as ipv6) but I fully agree with what colleagues have commented in previous posts.


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