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Messages - urantian

Pages: 1 [2]
CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Cannot Open User Panel
« on: January 16, 2022, 11:14:21 PM »
When I attempt to open the panel for any of the user accounts, from the CWP "List Users" page, the result is "404 Not Found".  Also, if I try to log in from [hostname]:2083, I get a 500 server error.  How can this be corrected?


Information / Re: Paid Invoice Not Reflected in Account
« on: January 03, 2022, 03:50:42 AM »
I am posting an update about this, to say it is resolved.  I was finally able to cancel the payment.  Today, I successfully upgraded to CWP Pro, after making the payment via PayPal.  I'm not sure, but there might be a disconnect somewhere, preventing payments via Skrill from being reflected on the CWP account website.  At least, this is what happened in my case.  So now, I have a fully-working control panel.

Information / Paid Invoice Not Reflected in Account
« on: December 17, 2021, 10:01:52 PM »
After opening a CWP account, I went through the process of paying for a Pro license.  After a few failed attempts, I finally was able to make the payment.  I also received a confirmation.  However, the payment was not reflected in my account, nor on my CWP installation.  I submitted a ticket to Billing.  Today, I received a late payment notice, and found that my account was apparently removed.  My credit card shows the transaction.  So, I registered again, and opened another ticket with Billing, but there has been no response.  I hope by posting here, I will be able to reach someone.

Thank you.

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