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Messages - iraqiboy90

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Not sure if I can help, but can you make sure through PhpMyAdmin that the account is added with the correct permissions when creating the account for the first time with the Mysql manager?

It is also possible that the site has some aggressive caching and is using old credentials?

I know the .devtools_config file doesnt exist. The echo command creates it...
but anyways, it doesnt matter anymore. It seems like you have not updated your CWP for a long time and this issue now appeared.

Try this and see if it helps
Code: [Select]
sh /scripts/update_ioncub
If it doesnt, then contact CWP support through:

What is the error message you're getting when entering CWP?
Also try this:
Code: [Select]
echo '{"compress_js":false,"compress_html":false}' > /usr/local/cwp/.conf/.devtools_configDelete the file if it didnt help

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / [bug] UserPanel "Unlocked" button unresponsive
« on: January 22, 2022, 03:40:04 PM »
After accessing the user panel and login in to a user. The button that says "Unlocked" on the top right of the panel is unresponsive when clicked.
When diagnosed, two things happens when pressed;
- A # added to the end of the URL.
- The console says this when the button is pressed:
Code: [Select]
Uncaught SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

The message changes a bit when I use this:
Code: [Select]
echo '{"compress_js":false,"compress_html":false}' > /usr/local/cwp/.conf/.devtools_config
The message is now:
Code: [Select]
Uncaught SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
    jQuery 6
    jQuery 9

Addons / Re: Wordpress?
« on: January 22, 2022, 03:24:28 PM »
May I ask, is CWP integrated into wordpress? (plugins)

To answer your question the way it's written;

No. CWP is not integrated into wordpress nor will it ever be. It's not how CWP or any hosting panel works.

Unless you are wondering if you can control CWP through wordpress with API and such, but that would be pointless when you already have access to the panel directly.

I found that using Templates solves the Problem.

Can You please clarify how did You resolve this?

Here's how. Read and watch the video here:

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Problem with new Shoutcast Manager
« on: January 21, 2022, 07:54:28 PM »
please try this
Code: [Select]
echo '{"compress_js":false,"compress_html":false}' > /usr/local/cwp/.conf/.devtools_config

Why does it seem like there is a lot of issues with compressing js and html on CWP?
Btw, are you dev?

PHP Selector / Re: 7.4 Error Unknown lvalue
« on: January 21, 2022, 02:02:12 PM »
A shot in the dark here: If you have done modifications to apache, rebuild it and see if it helps

I have the same problem! Anyone can help me? I can't see any texts on client login with chrome, firefox... but I can see when I use opera, edge browser
seems like a caching/minify issue.

I've seen a CWP Expert recently frequently recommend turning it off.

Here's how:

please try this
Code: [Select]
echo '{"compress_js":false,"compress_html":false}' > /usr/local/cwp/.conf/.devtools_config

Apache / Re: Apache Vhosts getting rebuilt automatically everynight
« on: January 20, 2022, 02:54:24 PM »
I simply duplicated the .tpl and .stpl templates in the httpd folders and moved both to the php-fpm folder. But only the .tpl one is showing in my interface, not the .stpl one

you DO NOT move templates or copy them across different folders. I've already mentioned this!

You DON'T mix templates between different folders.

I repeat: You do NOT clone, copy, move, whatever, between

You clone a template from httpd/php-fpm to httpd/php-fpm  <--- yes
You do NOT clone a template from httpd into httpd/php-fpm  <--- NO

I hope that by repeating myself, you will not repeat the same mistake again.

As for the stpl. If both the tpl and stpl templates has the same names, then no worries. The system will automatically read the stpl file when a client tries to access the website with https:// or if you told the tpl file to redirect to https:// in which case it will automatically force clients to access the website with https:// and the system will automatically read the stpl file.

E-Mail / Re: Mail Forwarders #BigBlunder
« on: January 19, 2022, 09:33:18 PM »
you can't do it in a faster way. The devs made it so that you will have to add the forwarding email address to the forwarding list so it itself can receive a copy of the mail.

I mean, I have a dozen of forwarders, but they are not mailboxes, so it would be weird if the panel tried to send a copy of the mail to a forwarding address without a mailbox.

You can try to write yourself a script or SQL to input it directly into the Postfix Admin - Virtual Aliases database, but the time you use to do that, it would probably be the same if you just do it manually through the panel.

Apache / Re: Apache Vhosts getting rebuilt automatically everynight
« on: January 19, 2022, 09:19:31 PM »
Because the system is not showing images I post.

pasteboard dot co/nnck8jFzO08x dot png

Take a look if you can figure it out. No matter which template I edit it does not show up in this menu, CWP is not reading it out for some reason.

Then how did you get "default_httpd_php-fpm_snipeit" in there?
To add a template to that exact list, you will have to add it to this path:
Code: [Select]
/usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/httpd/php-fpmYou will have to add a tpl and a stpl file for the ssl.

As for the picture you're trying to post, pasteboard link is not actually an image link even though it says png at the end.
This is the actual image link:

Apache / Re: Apache Vhosts getting rebuilt automatically everynight
« on: January 19, 2022, 12:01:50 PM »
Hey man, let me share my findings:

/usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/httpd - you clone a file of choice here and then copy to /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/php-fpm - this will make the cloned template of your choice appear in the menu on my screenshot under the php-fpm section.

Check these folders. I pointed out my template with mouse pointer.

After that http will work but not the https.

No, the copy part info can lead to issues.
There is a simple video made by the devs explaining how to do it.

The template for
is NOT the same for

You DON'T mix templates between different folders.

If you want the functionality of a template that works with httpd WITHOUT php-fpm (like putting apache in front of nginx for some reason), then you use /vhosts/httpd.
If you want the functionality of a template that works with httpd WITH php-fpm, then you use /vhosts/httpd/php-fpm
If you want to use nginx-only WITH php-fpm, then you use /vhosts/nginx/php-fpm
If you want to use "nginx -> apache -> PHP-FPM", then you use /vhosts/httpd/php-fpm for editing apache related stuff and /vhosts/nginx for nginx related stuff

As for the issue of SSL issue you have. Whatever you do to a name.tpl template, you need to do the same with name.Stpl. The STPL template has the https connection info.

p.s. you are mentioning that you posted an image with your mouse pointing to something. There is no image.

so I restarted it from admin panel, but that brought down the GUI completely, CWP admin/user/webmail everything.

Side note. The button is currently bugged. It will for sure bring down the panel.
Best restart option is not the one you mentioned, but this one:
Code: [Select]
sh /scripts/restart_cwpsrvIt restarts everything related to the panel itself.

Information / Re: CWP changelog
« on: January 17, 2022, 06:38:13 PM »
Thanks for updating the changelog, but it seems like my CWP was secretly updated at some point because I did not update it myself. I had v0.9.8.1117, now it's v0.9.8.1119

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