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Messages - LPJon

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The other big note on your revised install_terminal script is that you are installing python3, whereas the default RHEL kit provides & supports python 2.7.5. So know the ramifications of such an installation before proceeding. I've lived with CWP Pro for a while now as is, and will hold steady until early next year when I move over to EL9 -- when CWP for EL9 is ready, of course.

You are correct, and I'm sorry for not also stating the upgrade to Python3. Since you are a senior member here can you tell us if the update to Python3 would effect any of the standard vanilla installations of CWP. Or would this only effect CWP Server admins that have software requirements specifically for Python2?

Ah Ha! below is a link to my github repo to show the replacement "install_terminal" script that actually works. Use it at your own risk!

Scripts / Re: CWP Pro Terminal Fails to load with a blank (black) Screen
« on: August 28, 2023, 03:58:31 AM »
Ah Ha! below is a link to my github repo to show the replacement "install_terminal" script that actually works. Use it at your own risk!

I have a fix for this but oddly enough the CWP forums refuse to let me post it on here with a 403 forbidden error. If you want this fixed reply to this forum topic and I will help you get it done. It's not hard, but it just looks like CWP does NOT want you/me/anyone posting code here for fixing issues with their platform. To those out there that are gonna say it....yes I tried using the CODE enclosures.....they don't work.

In general the problem has to do with GCC and G++ being too old (4.5 I believe) and needs to be updated to 7. But that isn't enough, you also have to rip out the old remnants of the failed install the botched up.

I honestly don't understand why this has been an issue for so long as it's not hard to fix. It did take me a whole week to track down though.

If you are having issues with this reply to this forum topic and I will help you with it. CWP is not on a fast track to fix this.

Scripts / CWP Pro Terminal Fails to load with a blank (black) Screen
« on: August 28, 2023, 03:19:23 AM »
I have a fix for this but oddly enough the CWP forums refuse to let me post it on here with a 403 forbidden error. If you want this fixed reply to this forum topic and I will help you get it done. It's not hard, but it just looks like CWP does NOT want you/me/anyone posting code here for fixing issues with their platform. To those out there that are gonna say it....yes I tried using the CODE enclosures.....they don't work.

In general the problem has to do with GCC and G++ being too old (4.5 I believe) and needs to be updated to 7. But that isn't enough, you also have to rip out the old remnants of the failed install the botched up.

I honestly don't understand why this has been an issue for so long as it's not hard to fix. It did take me a whole week to track down though.

If you are having issues with this reply to this forum topic and I will help you with it. CWP is not on a fast track to fix this.

Scripts / Re: CWPPRO terminal unable to install
« on: August 28, 2023, 03:16:40 AM »
I have a fix for this but the forums won't let me post it

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