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Messages - cyberspace

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I had the similar problem.

Actually I was unable to log into CWP using the latest Firefox. I tried to clean cache, etc but nothing helped. At the same time , the browsers Chrome, Brave worked well. So I just suggest you to install another browser and check if the problem remains.

Information / Re: Disappointed with CWP 🤬
« on: April 19, 2021, 08:18:37 PM »
I don't use CWP for many projects but the panel looks good for me and satisfies my expectations. Yes, some functions didn't work but when I checked the logs I was able to solve the problems. Therefore, if you use a free version of CWP then you should be an experienced linux administrator to solve the problems on your own. In case you use a free version and expect to get the professional assistance from the CWP support then it looks like you expect too much.

However, in case you want to get assistance from the CWP community then it will be good to provide more details about the problem experienced by you and provide some logs to clear the situation.

Functions / Re: Modifying email menu
« on: March 20, 2021, 12:00:58 PM »

HTML templates of the user level interface are placed here:


Look at the files called:


Most likely the modified files will be replaced by the original files once CWP is updated. So it is better to copy the theme files to another folder and modify the files there.

PHP / Re: ffmpeg enable shell_exec()
« on: March 19, 2021, 08:00:08 PM »
It sounds like you run some .php script and the script runs the ffmpeg binary using shell_exec() causing the error "shell_exec disabled".  Am I right ? If so do you run the script assocaited woth your website ( or over CWP (https://xx.xx.xx.xx.:2083/cwp_xxxxx/username/?module=somemodule) ?

Could you please provide more details about the problem ?

Functions / Question about hooks
« on: March 19, 2021, 05:18:50 PM »
Hi guys,

Is there some possibility to run the hooks before the account or domain name is created/added ?

I want to create a module/plugin (not sure how you call it here :) ) to block account creation and domain name/subdomain adding in case the username or domain name/subdomain is listed in some list managed by the server administrator so the users won't be able to add the domain names like "", "", etc as the main domain names or addons of their accounts .


Functions / Re: CWP account hooks NOT WORK!!
« on: March 19, 2021, 05:08:18 PM »
Sorry for the necropost :)

Not sure if it cwp allows to print some output from the hooks. However the hooks described here:
work for me.

Here is a simple example (just a bit modified example provided by docs):

cat /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/hooks/account/account_new.php

Code: [Select]

function account_new($array){
$fp fopen('/tmp/account_new.txt''w');

then create some account and review the file /tmp/account_new.txt.

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