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Messages - overseer

Pages: 1 ... 21 22 [23] 24 25 ... 71
Postfix / Re: Connection timed out. email problem
« on: January 19, 2024, 02:22:16 AM »
Is your CSF firewall allowing all common mail ports (25, 465, 587, 110, 143, 995, 993)? Check incoming & outgoing. I can manually connect to that Gmail SMTP address via telnet:
Code: [Select]
% telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP d8-20020a170906174800b00a2d4e52c6f2si5357323eje.126 - gsmtp

That's a different question (probably needs its own thread), but the short answer is that there is no one-size fits all answer. You need to assess your own needs based on your customer usage levels. You don't want to impede legit traffic, so you set hourly rates just beyond the upper bounds of your typical usage. So it won't become a barrier, but is there to safeguard if credentials get exposed or an errant script starts sending spam.

Likely a cookie/session problem -- I've seen this at various points. Logout, cear cookies and try logging in afresh.

Code: [Select]

Information / Re: Getting error when access account by IP
« on: January 13, 2024, 03:40:00 AM »
Should be enabled by default:
Can you confirm that module is loaded?

503 error code? Would need a log snippet to diagnose. Could be permissions, Mod_Security rules, CSF firewall rules... many things.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: GUI not loading properly... 4gb alma 8 os.
« on: January 11, 2024, 11:26:53 PM »
Looks to be missing CSS files for proper rendering; is it a browser-specific problem? Can you test with ad blocking turned off and a different rendering engine (Firefox / Chromium).

Other / Re: Vps ,what next!!!!!!!
« on: January 10, 2024, 03:05:15 PM »

Follow AWS Monster's notes & recommendations:

Follow Sandeep's guide for updating Roundcube:

Upgrade MariaDB (change instructions to 10.11 -- current LTS version):

Same needed info as above (port, SSL settings, authentication method).

Mod_Security / Re: mod_security with Comodo WAF locks out everbody
« on: January 09, 2024, 10:30:32 PM »
I am using the Comodo ruleset -- no lockouts here. Are you sure it's not overly aggressive LFD settings?

E-Mail / Re: How to use only e-mail in CWP7?
« on: January 07, 2024, 11:36:19 PM »
It's all sort of a pedestrian exercise -- I don't do this on any of my servers. But it is easily scriptable if you wanted to make your own LetsEncrypt renewal script.

On one server I do something like this -- typically Nginx 301 redirects http traffic to https, but in order to renew a LE cert, you have to allow http traffic temporarily. So it needs to be renewed, reverted, restarted, redirected. :P

Backup / Re: download backup
« on: January 07, 2024, 02:28:47 PM »
The benefit of FTP/SFTP over an HTTP/HTTPS download is that the other protocols allow the download to be resumed if it is interrupted.

E-Mail / Re: How to use only e-mail in CWP7?
« on: January 06, 2024, 11:48:46 PM »
And for good measure, make sure ports 80 and 443 are blocked on the CSF firewall.
And disable Apache:
Code: [Select]
sudo systemctl disable httpd(This would mean you would have to access your webmail via the :2096 service port.)

E-Mail / Re: How to use only e-mail in CWP7?
« on: January 06, 2024, 07:43:56 PM »
This has been answered before. Please check the forum for similar threads; I'll try to dig up some links meanwhile.

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