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Messages - overseer

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32 ... 71
SSL / Re: Wrong SSL renew
« on: September 19, 2023, 06:20:04 AM »
Do you have an HTTP -> HTTPS redirect in place for the domain? LetsEncrypt needs to have a working HTTP connection in order to confirm the domain before issuing the certificate.

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: User redirects to another domain - Unable to fix
« on: September 17, 2023, 08:10:38 PM »
Did you look at the root_cwp database and clear any relevant entries under the subdomains table?

Are you using the OWASP or Comodo ruleset with ModSecurity? Comodo is recommended for mere mortals as a starting point; less false-positives and more permissive by default.

Installation / Re: Reverse proxy?
« on: September 16, 2023, 06:42:47 PM »
What's your overall goal?
CWP offers Nginx if you want to use it as a reverse proxy on the server itself.

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Google indexing link to CWP
« on: September 16, 2023, 06:41:31 PM »
Sorry, I should've checked for you, but those CWP directories themselves are immutable already. So start by removing the immutable bit on the directories:
Code: [Select]
chattr -i /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/admin
chattr -i /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin

Then create the robots.txt files:
Code: [Select]
nano /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/admin/robots.txt
nano /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/robots.txt

Set the immutable bit on the robots.txt files:
Code: [Select]
chattr +i /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/admin/robots.txt
chattr +i  /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/robots.txt

Finally, reset the immutable bit on the CWP directories:
Code: [Select]
chattr +i /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/admin
chattr +i /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Google indexing link to CWP
« on: September 15, 2023, 10:20:46 PM »
You may have to create the files on the server via a root shell using the nano text editor. Then you would also want to make them immutable, otherwise the next CWP update would likely delete them.

Code: [Select]
chattr +i /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/robots.txt
chattr +i /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/admin/robots.txt

DNS / Re: domain1 to domain2
« on: September 15, 2023, 05:48:46 PM »
You want domain1 and domain2 to have the same content? If so, you don't need separate user accounts, you just make domain2 and Add-on domain to user A's account, so it contains both domain1 and domain2.

MySQL / Re: FTP stopped after the MariaDB upgrade
« on: September 15, 2023, 02:05:15 PM »
Duplicate thread?

FTP / Re: FTP stopped after the MariaDB upgrade
« on: September 15, 2023, 02:02:56 PM »
What version of pure-ftpd are you running? Did you originally configure it with the recommended changes in the wiki?

Also, this is a good general working guide to configuring a CWP server from scratch:

How to / Re: Direct domain name to proper directory
« on: September 15, 2023, 01:58:39 PM »
When you made the new user account, did it not create the public_html folder under the /home/userdir path, along with a www symlink?

To replicate your live server to a staging/backup server, are you using CWP Migration to clone your accounts?

Installation / Re: ubuntu with arm64
« on: September 14, 2023, 10:46:39 PM »
I would not recommend CentOS Stream 8, as it is EOL soon. Look toward AlmaLinux 8.8, as you can then ELevate to v9 when CWP fully support EL9 distributions (hopefully soon, per the devs).

Scan for large, ballooning log files, as Igor indicated. Truncate them to zero bytes:
Code: [Select]
truncate -s0 /usr/local/apache/logs/*
truncate -s0 /usr/local/apache/domlogs/*.log
Then implement logrotate to keep logs from growing exponentially in size.

PHP / Re: Fail PHP-FPM build
« on: September 14, 2023, 08:39:13 PM »
Opposite of TMI (too much information); too little information to help you properly! Are you trying to build php 7.0? If so, why? Why not 7.4, which granted is EOL, but at least more current and secure than 7.0.

Installation / Re: ubuntu with arm64
« on: September 14, 2023, 08:36:46 PM »
CWP still references CentOS, even though they are abstracting it to be Control Web Panel. It currently requires an EL7 or EL8 distribution.
3. Software Requirements
You must have a clean/fresh installation of supported operating systems:
CentOS 7 MINIMAL is recommended version. (RECOMMENDED STABLE)
The best version to be used with CWP as it provides the most features and CWP Secure Kernel.
We have our custom repositories making CentOS 8 Stream a stable version. More Info
CentOS 8 Stream MINIMAL or BOOT
Direct installation or converted from CentOS 8 Linux. (Recommended)
Rocky Linux 8 MINIMAL or BOOT
Compatible but with possible issues, Recommended is to use CentOS 8 Stream or CentOS 7
Alma Linux 8 MINIMAL or BOOT
Compatible but with possible issues, Recommended is to use CentOS 8 Stream or CentOS 7
Oracle Linux 7 & 8 MINIMAL or BOOT
Compatible but with possible issues, Recommended is to use CentOS 8 Stream or CentOS 7

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Google indexing link to CWP
« on: September 14, 2023, 08:33:29 PM »
Perhaps look at the site root for CWP:
Code: [Select]
And I would think you would want to disallow ALL indexing of those locations:
Code: [Select]
User-agent: *
Disallow: /

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