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Messages - cyberspace

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DNS / Re: Cannot access CWP after IP Change
« on: September 03, 2024, 06:58:11 PM »
Change the IP in the file:


restart CWP and then run:

/scripts/cwp_api webservers rebuild_all
/scripts/cwp_api account rebuild_etc_named_conf
/scripts/cwp_api account rebuild_var_named_all

to rebuild vHost and DNS zone files.

DNS / Re: DNS Issue?
« on: September 03, 2024, 05:48:17 PM »
1. Check WHOIS of your domain. Make sure the domain name uses the correct nameservers.

2. dig each nameserver (dig to make sure each nameserver responds and provides correct information about the domain.

3. Make sure your website isn't infected by some virus because the redirection can be causes by a virus.

How to / Re: User panel login link
« on: September 03, 2024, 01:18:17 PM »
Use the API function autologin:

Method:    POST

key:    Key authorized by Api administrator
action:    list
user:    Account username (If not specified, a list of accounts will be displayed)
timer:    Expiration time of the session, expressed in Minute, example 2
module:    Indicate the name of the module to be redirected
debug:    (0 / 1) Debug display file: /var/log/cwp/cwp_api.log

CWP loads the extension globally. So if you want to disable it then you need to disable it:
Code: [Select]
;extension=pdo_mysql.soin the global php.ini file. See:
Code: [Select]

and then enable for all users (add "") except the specific user in their local php.ini.

Updates / Re: How to update Imagick?
« on: September 03, 2024, 10:12:42 AM »
Try to update ImageMagick using:

(for centos-8, almalinux-8/9, rockylinux-8/9)
Code: [Select]
dnf update ImageMagick
In case you use older OS (Centos-6/7, etc) then most likely you need to recompile ImageMagick manually.

Updates / Re: Update for openSSL is important!
« on: September 03, 2024, 10:07:58 AM »
Apache must be recompiled against the updated openSSL version in order to update mod_ssl.

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Email forwarding to Gmail is not working
« on: September 03, 2024, 10:00:02 AM »
Roundcube isn't MTA (Mail Transfer Agent). It doesn't do anything to transfer emails between servers. When you use Roundcube to manage emails it connects to Dovecot to retrieve emails stored in the mailbox and to Postfix (MTA) to send emails.

CWP logs all mail events (authentication, sending, receiving, forwarding) into mail logs. Therefore if you want to to investigate why gmail doesn't accept forwarded emails from your server then review the mail logs (/var/log/maillog) to investigate the problem.

Updates / Re: How to upgrade the OS
« on: June 30, 2023, 03:55:23 PM »
As I know there is no way to convert Centos 7 to Almalinux/RockyLinux 8/9. It means you need to do following:

1. Install new server/VPS with Almalinux/RockyLinux 8/9;
2. Install CWP on the new server;
3. Configure all services and extra applications according to your requirements (requirements of your websites);
4. Use CWP migration options to transfer accounts

The old and new boxes will use different IPs. So yes, your clients will have to update the IP in their DNS to point the domain names to the new server (actual IP address)

I recommend you to use Almalinux 8. It seems Alma 8 is more compatible with CWP then RockyLinux 8/9, Almalinux 9.

Installation / Re: Hostname / Main Server Account & Domain
« on: June 22, 2023, 06:41:08 AM »
1. Are you able to access the admin area over the URL like ?

2. Do you get the IP address of your server when you ping the hostname of the server/vps ?

3. Did you enable all options "SSL for ..." under CWP --> Server Settings --> Change Hostname ?

CentOS 8 Problems / Re: ngnix php-frm stops loading webpages randomly
« on: June 21, 2023, 08:57:45 AM »
Hard to say anything because you haven't provided any log records/errors associated with the problem.

Did you check the php-fpm and apache logs to investigate the problem ? Are you sure the problem isn't caused by firewall ?

E-Mail / Re: Problem when a certificate Renew
« on: June 17, 2023, 08:58:57 PM »
The mail certificates and keys are located in the folders:

Code: [Select]
CERTS - /etc/pki/tls/certs
KEYS - /etc/pki/tls/private/

If you believe the mail server just doesn't want to use the updated certs then try to restart the mail server whem one or more certs/keys are updated.

To do this just run:
Code: [Select]
find /etc/pki/tls/private/ -name "*.key" -mtime -1 -exec service postfix restart \;
find /etc/pki/tls/private/ -name "*.key" -mtime -1 -exec service dovecot restart \;

using cron once a day.

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: SSH connection Access Denied
« on: June 16, 2023, 09:26:03 PM »
You could restrict root access over SSH in various ways:
1. Allow root access from certain IPs;
2. Block password access and allow key-based access only;
3. root access is allowed over "su"

Did you modified the SSH service settings ? If so then show us content of te config file of your SSH service:
Code: [Select]

Installation / Re: Rocky Linux 9
« on: June 16, 2023, 09:19:37 PM »
I don't have much experience using Rocky Linux 9. However, I was able to install CWP without any problems on Almalinux 8/9.

Anyway, the error demonstrated by you says there are no shared libraries, These libs are provided by the package openssl-devel on CentOS 7. I think it should be similar on Rocky. So I recommend you to check if the package openssl-devel is included by some repository enabled on your system, if so then try to install it manually and check if it includes the required libs (make sure the versions are match).

Installation / Re: Hostname / Main Server Account & Domain
« on: June 07, 2023, 08:22:01 PM »

How is this done? I tried to set up DNS and create the records for the domain name and nameservers with still no luck.

In command prompt of your local computer run:

Code: [Select]
and check output. You should get something like:
Server: somename
Address: dnsresolver


Take a look at the second pair "Name / Address". Address will show the IP of your VPS/Server. If you get something like "Can't find" then it means there is some problem with the resolution of the subdomain/hostname.

Why do I have to create a new account? I wanted to manage this all from root account. It is not for my users, it is so I can access the admin panel securely using SSL.

CWP installs the Let's Encrypt SSL for the hostname too. So you will be able to access the panel over HTTPS ( when the problem with the hostname resolution is solved.

It is better to host every website in a separate account for security reasons. However, you are free to add "" as an addon/extra domain name to the existing account.

Other / Re: cronjop problem
« on: June 07, 2023, 06:49:38 PM »
as root in SSH do:

Code: [Select]
tar -xvzf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz
cd ioncube
scp /usr/local/ioncube/


Code: [Select]
php -q /home/uzman/public_html/coremio/cronjobs.php

To install SourceGuarian Loaders do:

Code: [Select]
wget --user-agent="
tar -xvzf loaders.linux-x86_64.tar.gz
scp ixed.8.1ts.lin /usr/local/sourceguardian/ixed.8.1.lin

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