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Messages - overseer

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39] 40 41 ... 71
Postfix / Re: Outgoing mail stuck in postfix mail queue
« on: July 10, 2023, 10:24:42 PM »
You'll have to post some queue example error codes and/or relevant log entries. Hard to diagnose anything with such little information...

CSF Firewall / Re: No firewall e-mails anymore
« on: July 10, 2023, 10:23:09 PM »
Blessed silence! I had to work for that, turning it off in the configs. Why care that some Chinese script kiddie made a brute force attempt on your server?

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Firewall problem, need help
« on: July 10, 2023, 10:21:33 PM »
Whitelist your IP address in /etc/csf/csf.allow

CSF Firewall / Re: How to Change CWP port
« on: July 07, 2023, 09:13:12 PM »
port change is not recommended as It could break the functionality of the panel.
And this is no longer true, if it ever was. I run CWP in HTTPS only and only on an alternate port:

CSF Firewall / Re: How to Prevent CWP BruteForce?
« on: July 07, 2023, 09:11:02 PM »
Just note that your clients will then be unable to directly communicate with AliBaba/AliExpress vendors. I am now getting bounce messages and stuck messages in my queues after blocking CN.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: CWP Invalid session on login
« on: July 06, 2023, 02:23:32 AM »
Did you look at creating a Cloudflare firewall rule to allow your CWP admin port (2031 or 2087 or whatever)?

I would take the caching aspect out of the loop, unless you really think you need it. It's usually the last step in deployment before going live. And in all honesty, unless you have a lot of RAM available or fast disks, Varnish introduces a whole level of complexity and tends to be a common break point. I've only ever implemented it on one very high traffic server. But ultimately, I got even better results from using Cloudflare's infrastructure.

The best bang-for-your-buck combo on CWP is with Nginx (least troublesome to configure and manage, far better performance than Apache). Varnish is only if you absolutely need to milk every last bit of performance out of your existing server.

You should look at the last lines of that website's log files:

access log: /usr/local/apache/domlogs/
error log: /usr/local/apache/domlogs/

Should give you a pretty good clue as to what's going wrong.

You'll have to look at the varnish logs. Do you have a WP varnish plugin to expiry the cache?

Postfix / How to Whitelist a hostname in CSF
« on: July 03, 2023, 03:04:40 AM »
You may find it necessary to whitelist a hostname as opposed to an IP address in CSF. CSF has a file specifically for allowing hostnames called "csf.dyndns". Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) are checked at a configurable interval of seconds, to poll for a change in the IP address.

To whitelist a hostname:
1) Open/create the file "/etc/csf/csf.dyndns" and add the hostname.
2) Open the file "/etc/csf/csf.conf" and set: DYNDNS = "1800" (which would check for IP updates every 30 minutes).
Note: If you want the activity of the IP also ignored, set DYNDNS_IGNORE = "1"
3) Restart the firewall (csf -r)

The hostnames in csf.dyndns will automatically be allowed and the rules will refresh every 30 minutes.

Updates / Re: How to upgrade the OS
« on: July 03, 2023, 02:52:56 AM »
I would just pay the additional $$ -- cost of doing business. Unless they could grant you some kind of special temp license for migration. Maybe they ought to consider a 1-3 mo temp license for this use case -- people migrating from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux or Rocky.

Information / Re: RH plan to kill RHEL clones
« on: July 03, 2023, 02:49:55 AM »
Might be time to get a RH dev account and take them up on the offer for a free license. Then you have access to the source code, and maybe then you accidentally mirror it on your pub FTP server. Accidentally.

Any AlmaLinux devs catching this?

Suggestions / Re: 2FA with Google Authenticator
« on: July 01, 2023, 02:23:51 AM »
Why are you trolling? Why not do something useful for the community like contributing code, documentation, or mutual support for other users. That's far more useful than criticizing in a vacuum. CWPs problems are obvious and well publicized, but the developers do a lot on limited resources and produce a useful tool that works for my use case and provides my end users with an effective management tool at a far more reasonable price than the *BIG* bloated controlPanel.

Information / Re: RH plan to kill RHEL clones
« on: July 01, 2023, 02:18:52 AM »
There are plenty of control panels that work with Debian-based OSes and abstracted ones like Webmin, so I don't see much need for CWP devs to spread themselves even thinner by trying to support another distribution lineage. In this case, specialty is good. This was originally CentOS Web Panel, now rebranded as Control Web Panel to keep the acronym but apply more generally and not be specifically limited to CentOS proper (which now has taken an upstream swim to be an unstable rolling distribution). Personally, I prefer Debian OS derivatives on the desktop (Ubuntu, Mint) and prefer EL on the server side (CentOS 7, soon to be Alma Linux 9).

It's not high on my priority list. If the devs were interested in a poll or vote amongst users as to what priorities matter, this is not one of them.

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