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E-Mail / Re: Mail server different as Hostname
« on: June 22, 2021, 08:43:57 AM »
Good thread this for me.
But for me, not work.
MX record:
A record:

Can't connect to mail with SSL, appears a certificate of CWP not of my domain.

If I configured my client mail with hostname, then, works fine, if configured with appears a certificate of CWP.

SAN create for mail,

This is my thread:;topicseen#new

E-Mail / Re: Transfer server from cPanel, problems with mail-SSL
« on: June 20, 2021, 06:53:50 PM »
After much reading, I came to the conclusion that email with SSL only works if we indicate the hostname.
Check with the sysadmin ... I'm the sysadmin of this VPS/site.
With CWP support ... what I have commented, after much reading in this forum, only works if we indicate the hostname.
That yes, it does not have any logic.
If I knew that CWP support solves it for me, I pay the support ticket (although I have put the Pro license on this server).
I have been able to do a "botch" to make it work, but I don't like it at all ...
I have a few days to make the decision, transfer from cPanel to CWP or transfer from cPanel to cPanel.
Currently I am in those days that I can do tests, but in a few days it will end where it is currently hosted and on the new host, or CWP or cPanel.
Funny because this, with cPanel does not happen, as I said in the first post, the dns point to Cloudflare, that is where I change the ip for the A records and for the A Mail record.
In CWP I have this problem, configured does not see the certificate, it indicates that it is generated for my hostname (not for and my hostname is:
Despite the SAN, and as seen in the image, this for MAIL in SAN, it does not work (SSL is created and is only operational with

If I do not get another solution, I will indicate how I "solved" it ...


E-Mail / Re: Transfer server from cPanel, problems with mail-SSL
« on: June 20, 2021, 11:19:19 AM »
Thanks for the reply.
If you referer a Module SSL Certificate in List Installed - Services - Admin Services, yes, I have installed this for mail.
And not work, the ssl generated is only for hostname (in this case: and when configured DNS for point to not work, appears a self signed certificate of/from CWP.

If you referer at other point, thanks if you can indicate to me.

This is my config:

I view all ok, I don't understand for what reasson not work with

E-Mail / Transfer server from cPanel, problems with mail-SSL
« on: June 20, 2021, 01:07:18 AM »
I know the post is long, but for me it is important.

I have been using CWP for a few months, in principle, on test servers, by the time this day arrives.
Yesterday I started a transfer from cPanel to CWP Pro, this server is no longer testing, it is in production.
All good except the mail ...
The dns are in cloudflare, but both the hostname and the mail field are grayed out, that is, not proxy and they point directly to my VPS.
I create A register with the name "mail" and the ip of my VPS.
In MX Record I indicate:
I ping and it returns the ip of my VPS.
I use Thunderbird, I open it and .... it does not connect, no error but it stays connecting all the time ....
I check SSL, despite enabling LetsTry in mail service, it keeps crashing.
If I try to send an email it tells me that the self-signed server is invalid and shows me the CWP ...
Through the CWP panel I make a change of hostname, I indicate exactly the same as before.
Everything remains the same...
I want to change my mail server in Thunderbird from to (which is the hostname), voila, then it works !!
Return to ... stops working ...

The strange thing about all this is that, in cPanel it works, I just change the ip in the cloudflare dns records and it works perfectly through
(Right now I have the two VPS's, one with cPanel the other with CWP Pro).

The answer would be: Leave the hostname configured.

But no, I need it to work with, I manage the VPS, the web is not mine, and the owners of the web need it to work this way.

Apart from that, I do not understand where the problem is, the SSL generated by Lets is only for the hostname?
I have activated the mail in SSL Admin services and it keeps failing.

Where is the problem? I'm starting to go crazy ... and I need to fix it relatively quickly or else you'll have to follow that site in cPanel ...

The fact is that, in one of the test VPS with CWP if I tried this and if I remember correctly, it worked.

I have read some threads, confirm me if I am not mistaken, CWP does not allow it? Doesn't allow SSL with, only with the hostname?

Thanks and regards.

CWP supports almalinux, Rocky Linux and official centos-stream you can choose them to install your server.
Thanks for this reply and this topic.

In the next days I go to migrate one account of one of my client, from cPanel to CWP, this account cPanel is in Centos7. I have others servers (personals) with CWP in Centos 8 but no problem for me change to centos 7 or better, made this step:

But my question; At today day, CWP recommended Centos 7? Better than other like almalinux, for example?

This account, that I go to transfer from cPanel to CWP in the next days, is very important, and I can't change very, my problem, I have the same site in 3 servers, using load balancer can made tests and change centos version, distro....

Again, thanks for this thread and thanks in advanced!

Installation / Restore cPanel account / transfer mails
« on: June 14, 2021, 06:27:32 PM »
At the moment, I have 4 servers with CWP and I am going to move a client from a cPanel to CWP.
I have performed the restoration of the other cPanel accounts and I saw that it was better not to select the database and thus everything else was restored well (then I restored the database manually) since the database was large.

Well, this account of a client of mine, their email accounts occupy ... I estimate that about 75 gigabytes in total, an outrage.

And here my question, would it be possible to restore cPanel account, excluding email accounts, then create them by hand, and with rsync transfer all emails from the server with cpanel to the new one with CWP?

Thanks in advance.

E-Mail / Re: Problem mails from server / postfix.
« on: June 11, 2021, 06:11:01 PM »
having at this moment 3 servers and only passing in 1, after searching and looking, I saw where the problem was.
On the server that I had this problem, the repos were different, there were more ... now I don't remember, but when I installed postfix-mysql I saw that it was calling a repo that now I don't remember the name (then I can access and see).
Curious because the 3 are installed, in principle, from the same image, image that my hosting provides me.
What I did was clone the repos of the servers that did not have this problem on the server with the problem.
At that time I installed postfix (I had uninstalled it) and postfix-mysql installed it automatically, and I noticed that the versions of postfix were the same in all of them, which was not the case at the time of having the problem, the version of postfix on the server with the problem it was superior to the others.

The solution of installing postfix-mysql solves the mail problem but not the anacron update problem.

E-Mail / Problem mails from server / postfix.
« on: June 05, 2021, 11:38:38 PM »
For a few days I have detected that my server does not send me emails from root (ssh access, firewall warning) ... after reviewing several things I find that, if I execute:
postconf -m
Mysql does not appear (in other servers that I have it does appear, I see this after executing tail -n 30 / var / log / maillog and looking for info online).
So I install postfix-mysql and after restarting postfix, it works again but .... now I have a different version of postfix than in the other servers that I have.
If I run the cwp update script:
sh / usr / local / cwpsrv / htdocs / resources / scripts / update_cwp
I get this error:
Redirecting to / bin / systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to / bin / systemctl restart httpd.service
Redirecting to / bin / systemctl reload httpd.service
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
error: skipping - transfer failed
Redirecting to / bin / systemctl reload httpd.service

On the other servers, of course, I don't have that error.

If I run yum remove postfix-mysql on the other servers it tells me that it is not installed, but in this one if I uninstall it, after that, I have the mail problems again.

It is as if it had been installed through a different channel than the others (channel other than cwp).

All my servers are the same, same characteristics, same centos version, they are identical in everything, and I have not done anything about it.

Thanks in advance.

I view today, are downgrade phpmyadmin to 4.7.9  and now, we don't need insert password root for access.


You referer to edit php.ini of usr/local/php or /usr/local/php71?

I read and I view that, indicate edit of PMA.

php.ini of cwp or also, we can made a .htaccess file for pma folder and set php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 36000

Post this because, I preferer only made change to lifetime of PMA any other system, if I made the change in php.ini, can affect to other parts...


After install cwp, always, when I go to access to phpmyadmin from cwp, automatic made login without need insert password root.

A few hours, cwp was updated phpmyadmin to 5.0.4, after this update, after 1440 seconds need insert password root when access to phpmyadmin.

After search info, are a file we can edit for this, but if...after install cwp I don't was need login every time, now I think its possible not for this config...


Updates / Re: Anacron / system update / notifications disabled modules.
« on: December 31, 2020, 08:24:25 AM »
As I mentioned before, I have repeated the process in case there was any doubt:

nano /etc/cron.daily/cwp

Edit with:

0 8 * * * /usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php
0 8 * * * /usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron_backup.php

Results of the informative email from anacrontab:

/etc/cron.daily/cwp: line 1: 0: command not found
/etc/cron.daily/cwp: line 2: 0: command not found

sh: repquota: command not found
sh: repquota: command not found

Happy New Year!

Updates / Re: Anacron / system update / notifications disabled modules.
« on: December 30, 2020, 10:19:19 PM »
you can do this steps to run at 8 am

Code: [Select]
> /etc/cron.daily/cwp
and add this cron command via cwp admin as root

Code: [Select]
0 8 * * * /usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php

Code: [Select]
0 8 * * * /usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron_backup.php
restart crond service

In continuation of my last post where I indicate that this is what I had done, as I mentioned, I put it because that is the cron format to be introduced, besides, I looked for it in the forum, and what you indicate here is just what I did (I think I exposed it above) and it is the error I have.

These steps that you indicate to me are exactly the same that I did and I explained in post 4 of this thread :)

(The quotes in the post 4 of this thread are bad by my parte, the quotes with the results), but the content of error is correct.

I don't know why, but I am getting this error.


Updates / Re: Anacron / system update / notifications disabled modules.
« on: December 30, 2020, 10:16:38 PM »
it is not working because you didn't have knowledge about it, why you added cron schedule expression "0 8 * * *" in cron file. Don't do things which you don't know.
Sorry, as far as I know, that is the format to enter in cron, in fact, it is what you indicate in the next post :)
I don't add this in cron file, I add this in the files that you indicate in your next reply (like indicate in my post 4 of this thread).

MySQL / Re: how to replicate the database
« on: December 29, 2020, 11:07:01 PM »
hire a system-admin for better lookup and setup, as i don't know why it is not working for you and where you stuck
As soon as I replicate the error, I expose it here.
I have the error when I configure everything through phpmyadmin, it has its usefulness, so I did it there.
(I did it in other ways too but I was at the point that something had happened and I had to reverse everything.)
At the moment I'm going to prepare a vps for this, if it goes wrong, nothing happens there, because the other day I did it in a production one.
I will indicate step by step what has been done and with screenshots.

I think I can do it myself, I can't specify where I stayed because I made the mistake of doing it in one in production, as soon as I saw that the database was corrupt (and it was because of my mistake to delete some indexes that I shouldn't have deleted) The rush began and I had to reset everything.

I will use the replica with the phpmyadmin tool that it offers, but for example, phpmyadmin does not tell us when to execute START SLAVE, but I will do it that way.

I will expose, point by point, this time if, reached the error I will be able to stop because it will not be in a database in production, it will be its replica but in a test environment.

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