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Messages - iraqiboy90

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CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / /var/lib/nginx wrong permission by default
« on: February 22, 2022, 03:59:31 PM »

I was having permission issues uploading files to a website, then I tested another website and it had the same problem.
After some searching and testing, I found out that it's because of this folder not having the ownership set as nobody:root since nginx uses the user called "nobody"

The /var/lib/nginx folder had permission nginx:root <-- Not ok
All subfolders had nobody:root <-- ok

I checked my test server and it had the same values.

I did this:
Code: [Select]
chown nobody -R /var/lib/nginx/ and then restarted nginx and then uploads works fine again.

At what point does the ownership of /var/lib/nginx/ change?

If you are running nginx->varninsh->apache->php setup, can you please post here the value of
Code: [Select]
ls -all /var/lib/nginx/

This is a caching "issue" of Nginx being in front of apache. This isn't really an issue, it's more like how the nginx configuration is written/designed.
This problem is similar to what I had

TLDR; Nginx is caching the following file extensions:
Code: [Select]
3gp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|ico|wmv|avi|asf|asx|mpg|mpeg|mp4|pls|mp3|mid|wav|swf|flv|html|htm|txt|js|css|exe|zip|tar|rar|gz|tgz|bz2|uha|7z|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|pdf|iso|woff|ttf|svg|eot|sh|webpSo, these files per say does not get processed by apache, hence why .htaccess can't really do anything about them because it doesnt see a connection to them.

You can do as @rcschaff mentioned or you can simply just clone a template and remove the file extensions section mentioned above to disable nginx serving them by itself and then you can use htpasswd and htaccess normally. But then again, this counters the purpose of why nginx is in front of apache.

« on: February 21, 2022, 08:01:21 PM »
For my Opinion, CWP pro license should be maybe 60$

I usually try to write something positive first before I write my criticism, but this time I can't help by feeling some deception here with your way of introducing the topic and then goes on to suggesting this ridiculous idea. I get the feeling that this seems like an insider who is trying to push the idea of increasing the pro license price without getting backlash....

- CWP isnt viable with the free license. So, let us forget about the "free CWP". CWP is only worth it with the pro license.
- It's worth it because of its low price.

CWP has multiple types of licenses which is mainly divided into two categories: There is a license for usage for the pro version, and then there is a license for getting pro support.

You are saying that you are paying for both. So why are you suggesting to push the license of the pro support down our throats by combining both into one?

CWP already has a donation system. So if you are interested in paying more, you go ahead and use that.

By the way, you registered on this forum on end of July of 2021 and your first post is at end of October. So how did you count a full year withing this time frame? You probably haven't even got your second invoice for the second year of the pro license.

Here's my two cents: If the price for CWP license becomes inviable. I would definitely be looking for another panel.

p.s. I do appreciate all the help the staff is already giving to non pro-support users by for example responding to bug reports.

Will be updated asap.
good to hear it's in the works.

Backup / Re: Retention of backup for the last X days
« on: February 21, 2022, 01:20:36 PM »
At the moment the regular backup system can do a daily, weekly and monthly backup, but it lacks a function for example to keep the last 3 daily backups. There are any way to have the last X daily backups?

Yeah, this function is missing. I would like that too

Seems like 8.1.3 and 7.4.28 isnt available on CWP yet. Security updates should be put a haste on instead of waiting too long with getting it tested.

Thanks for the heads up @Netino. Keep informing us about these security updates.

Does anyone which system cron is causing cwp to rebuild the conf files for vhosts on a daily basis ?
You don't.

Why do you want such a feature disabled? Do not edit .conf files directly. Use templates. Even if you disable auto conf rebuild, it will still rebuild with each CWP update. So, don't edit conf files directly.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: CWP still generates certificates when disabled
« on: February 16, 2022, 06:35:43 PM »
More info:

Steps to reproduce:

- Enable Automatic SSL generation
- Choose whatever settings in there, like for example, choose admin notification and select midnight or 3AM.
- Save.
Multiple crons are added. One of them is cron_autossl_all_domains.php
- Now disable Automatic SSL generation
- Save
The cron_autossl_all_domains.php did not delete itself.

wait for midnight or 3AM, whichever you chose.
Ta da! SSLs are created automatically even though it's disabled in the setting above. And now you also receive an admin notification since you selected it in the setting before disabling it.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: After changing user package, user can not login
« on: February 14, 2022, 10:25:55 PM »
Try this:
Features,Themes,Languages -> Themes -> Click and select the only theme there is -> Click Save Theme Default.

Check if you can login to user.


Try assigning the package again to the user and see if that helps.

PHP / Re: Can't switch to PHP-FPM 7.4
« on: February 14, 2022, 09:47:24 PM »
you already have a thread about this. Keep it to the same thread please

try this command with SSH:
Code: [Select]
/usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php /scripts/cwp_api account mail_fix_permissions

E-Mail / Re: Webmail - Connection to storage server failed.
« on: February 12, 2022, 09:00:03 PM »
When I try to access email account get this message - "Connection to storage server failed."

Everything was fine a few days ago. Why is this happening and what is fix?

What is file/folder permission of /var/vmail/* folders
Also, have you done any custom modifications at all to dovecot.conf or

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: After changing user package, user can not login
« on: February 12, 2022, 07:45:52 AM »
Did you ever get to the bottom of this?

Just installed CWP Pro on a new server and I can't use the User login at all.

It just 302's back to the login page after showing "successful login"
try this
Code: [Select]
echo '{"compress_js":false,"compress_html":false}' > /usr/local/cwp/.conf/.devtools_configor
apply user language on the user again
User Account - Features,Themes,Languages - Language - Select language and "Force all"

Updates / Re: Unable to update packages
« on: February 11, 2022, 09:39:51 PM »
did you try this
Code: [Select]
yum install

MySQL / Re: PHPmyAdmin at risk
« on: February 11, 2022, 05:02:23 PM »

I am providing share hosting using CWPPro. I have more that 100 users .
Recently I have create a user called labiba for 2GB hosting . When login to phpmyadmin using username and password. The user can get access all database and user details. also that user can do anything .

Not only that all shared user can get access to all another user databases . Please fix the issues urgently

I just made a mysql user with the UserCP. It can't access databases it was not assigned on.
Can you explain the replication process?

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