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Messages - slinky

Pages: [1]
Information / Re: Guide or Posts about Migrating to CWP from cPanel
« on: August 22, 2024, 12:06:44 AM »
Thanks - this is helpful. What confused me was how hidden the main control panel is in what is an interface that needs a graphics overhaul.

Information / Re: Guide or Posts about Migrating to CWP from cPanel
« on: August 21, 2024, 02:17:06 AM »
Thanks - that I know how to do. I'm talking about post-migration. Now I've got a whole new learning curve of trying to find where things are and what may be different and what may be missing. For example, what is the equivalent of WHM v. your cpanel (per account)? Where is backup of database? Where is adding databases? Where is the CLI (if there is one or do I need to use putty?) etc.

Information / Guide or Posts about Migrating to CWP from cPanel
« on: August 21, 2024, 12:06:39 AM »
Hi all. I'm moving my sites from cPanel which I've used for many years for a variety of reasons. I'm wondering whether there are any guides, tutorials or FAQs which might be suggested for those of you who made the migration. I'm not at all familiar with CWP and finding it a bit challenging to find where items might be located in CWP and whether there might be equivalents. If not, are there any guides, bibles or references that would make a good read?

Thank you.

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