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Messages - The_Anomaly

Pages: [1]
Another victim here!

You cannot get around this screen.  Every menu now has the forced install PHP-FPM screen.  When you select install and the version it does the build in the background but thats it!

How do we get around this?  Can someone post a tutorial of what needs to be done or how to go back.

ALSO this update has affected my client logins.  They've gained a new theme but can do anything with an error message saying contact your administrator.

 >:( >:(

EDIT: more context...

I am using PHP 7.027 and I can choose only this option in CWP7.admin

When I go to select default web servers its set to Apache only but I cannot tick force FPM and rebuild because it says its not installed.  I have clicked on install and build / then the options and php 7.027 which runs in the background.

The results:

I have restarted the server and some screens have come back.

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