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Messages - Nexxterra

Pages: [1]
MySQL / User level DB with root permissions?
« on: May 15, 2024, 09:13:04 PM »
I have an SAAS script that I have installed on a CWP server in a users account, However, the script requires root access to create a db for a new user
I can not figure out how to accomplish this for that user. any help?  As it is, the script has the option for the main admin to create a DB for each user manually, but that is not how it is supposed to function

Other / Re: Paid server management ????
« on: February 23, 2024, 12:56:45 AM »
It can not be ANY clearer what is offered and at which price point///I have tried ALL the tiers... Faced the same "that is not included" on each one REGARDLESS of the request I was making.
AGAIN, been in business and OWN my own servers for over 20 years...
EVERY request I have made was directly related to a php error...

Q: Do you offer complete server administration?
A: Yes, simply order the Enterprise support plan and you can rest while we manage your CWP server.

Other / Re: Paid server management ????
« on: January 21, 2024, 09:18:00 PM »
Totally amazing that specific check boxes outlining services provided with zero ambiguity can still be argued by people that base their livelihood on an industry where even one comma or space makes a difference. ALL the monthly paid support packages clearly state what they offer and nothing I have requested was even close to the edge of this, therefore no interpretation would be necessary.
So how about STOP arguing with FACTS as your opinion seems to als conflict with the clear terms and tasks outlined on their website.

Other / Re: Paid server management ????
« on: December 19, 2023, 04:21:59 PM »
see, YOU are saying what the rep says BUT this is what the website says "Managed Support
Monthly Guarantee
We understand that continuous monitoring and updates can be a pain to take care of, especially when you have multiple servers and many things that need to be handled. That’s is why Managed support is the best option for you."

CLEARLY what I expect is fully stated in this description and what you attest is just a small fraction of this description... We have been in business since 2003 and I personally created my first website in I have a very good idea of what to expect... we also run about 20 servers and only 4 of them are CWP,
additionally the little check boxes of the plan comparisons also say my expectations are accurate...

Other / Paid server management ????
« on: December 18, 2023, 09:05:07 PM »
I have paid for server management and the CWP respondent has stated it was not included in their support, this has happened every time I have opened a ticket... I need a paid support person that understands that managing a server includes tasks required to manage a server... Any Ideas?  My main server guy is pushing me to get rid of CWP and go with webmin as we use DA for our hosting servers and just use CWP for our own sites.

Softaculous / Help with autoinstall script upon account creation
« on: January 30, 2021, 06:05:24 PM »
I want to have an ecommerce script installed when a client signs up for package 1
If they sign up for package 2 then wordpress is installed automatically
I have this working on my Directadmin servers, I want it to work also on my CWP servers.
I have asked CWP for help, however, nobody there understands what I need, I believe it is very simple, as it was for Directadmin and Cpanel servers.
I am using WHMCS, CWP or DA, and softaculous (and installatron on some servers)
Any assistance either how I can get this done using CWP or how to explain to the CWP staff what I need (I have tried many times, it seems like none of them are webhosts)

E-Mail / turn off php mail require smtp/login for all mail server wide
« on: October 12, 2020, 05:44:32 PM »
I want to turn off php mail require smtp/login for all mail server wide in my centos 7 server... Usually I would do this by editing php.ini but I can not see this anywhere on the CWP php.ini file... I do not want php mail at all as wordpress sites are horrible for sending tons of spam from non updated installs. I need all users to use smtp with authentication.
Where do I kill the php mail on a CWP server?

Addons / Re: Free billing system for CWP Septemeber 2019???
« on: October 07, 2020, 07:47:53 PM »
I came across this and it looks promising, I am willing to pay a bit for CWP integration, lets see what the developer says.

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