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Messages - bestmank

Pages: [1]
CentOS 8 Problems / Re: 403 Forbidden -- Pterodactyl Web Panel Error
« on: December 18, 2023, 05:37:46 PM »
1). Cwp doesn't use /var/www, it uses /usr/local/apache/htdocs

2). Cwp doesn't support docker directly
1) These configurations can be changed in the wings.service file(as for the vHost file from Apache just add the 2 settings that are missing)
2) Isn't docker handled by the panel Wing's service?(Wing it's just like a server that website just connects to it, right?)

CentOS 8 Problems / Re: 403 Forbidden -- Pterodactyl Web Panel Error
« on: December 16, 2023, 05:55:32 PM »
To put it bluntly, CWP updates will break your Pterodactyl every time you update, unless you know what you are doing.  I'm sure they COULD work together, but it's really not worth the headache for either Pterodactyl to break CWP or CWP to break Pterodactyl.  Just my humble opinion.
CWP is a full top-down LAMP/LEMP stack with DNS, mail services, etc. -- everything you need for web hosting. In a way, it is a house of cards that you can't mess with or change too much out of spec from the default configuration or you will break core functionality.
Isn't the WEB GamePanel just a web application(like any other app, Wordpress, Forum Platform like IPB, etc)? Why it messes so much with the server it's hosted on?
I believe, from what y'all saying, it's very different from Open Game Panel[which doesn't have any problem being integrated on]?(

CentOS 8 Problems / Re: 403 Forbidden -- Pterodactyl Web Panel Error
« on: December 14, 2023, 02:43:12 PM »
Use a separate, dedicated VM for you Pterodactyl install with Webmin or Copilot for an admin interface. Keep CWP for web hosting/reselling.
I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that this is not going to be supported by CWP.  Your game server requires basically a dedicated server, or VPS.  I would highly recommend you either virtualize a new environment, or use a separate server.  Following the directions of installing composer and PHP8 may well muck up your CWP installation.
alright got me
Seems that I should go for another option(like y'all said, a virtual enviorment, using another Control Panel like Webmin or hosting it on another Server
But, can you explain a little why it's messing with CWP so much(or why are they so incompatible with each other?)

Apache / Re-build Apache with libapache2-mod-php?
« on: December 13, 2023, 10:09:50 PM »
Hello, I am trying to install a game panel control(, which requires libapache2-mod-php. How to rebuild apache with this module in WebServer Settings->Apache Rebuild? What option should I add?

CentOS 8 Problems / Re: 403 Forbidden -- Pterodactyl Web Panel Error
« on: December 13, 2023, 08:16:18 PM »
I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that this is not going to be supported by CWP.  Your game server requires basically a dedicated server, or VPS.  I would highly recommend you either virtualize a new environment, or use a separate server.  Following the directions of installing composer and PHP8 may well muck up your CWP installation.
Yes,I'm using a KVM VPS(16GB/4 cores)

By "virtualize a new environment" you mean to use something like docker?(and use a subdomain pointing to it?)
I don't really wanna get rid of CWP just for this..

CentOS 8 Problems / 403 Forbidden -- Pterodactyl Web Panel Error
« on: December 12, 2023, 06:56:25 PM »
Hello! I am trying to install the Pterodactyl Game Panel through CWP. I have downloaded the panel( in my /home/domainName/public_html/panel folder and I have fallowed all the steps, but changing some configuration to the right location for this. The problem is, when I'm trying to access the web panel through my browser, it gives me "403 Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.". Why is that? Am I getting something wrong?

Configuration I changed from the tutorial:

chown -R domainName:DomainName /home/domainName/public_html/panel/* (turns out that CWP is using the user name for handling apache (hope I'm not mistaken) )

for Crontab: * * * * * php /home/domainName/public_html/panel/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

modified /etc/systemd/system/pteroq.service to this:

Code: [Select]
# Pterodactyl Queue Worker File
# ----------------------------------

Description=Pterodactyl Queue Worker

# On some systems the user and group might be different.
# Some systems use `apache` or `nginx` as the user and group.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/php /home/domainName/public_html/panel/artisan queue:work --queue=high,standard,low --sleep=3 --tries=3

Thank you so much! (as for CWP is newly fresh installed, so it's the latest version and my OS is Alma Linux 8, if it helps)

MySQL / Re: PHPmyAdmin Not Found.
« on: December 11, 2023, 09:46:14 PM »

After uploading a site to cwp server, when I try to access phpmyadmin from cwp I get the site's homepage intead.
Showing the url:

When I enter the url:
I get a blank phpmyadmin page.

Can I get some help with this?
Hi, I know this answer comes after a long time, but if you want to accest to your and not be redirected to your_ip/pma , here's what you  need to do:
1.Go to your admin panel -> WebServer Settings -> Apache Redirects -> Delete everything related to phpmyadmin(or pma). in your SSH console, edit /usr/local/apache/conf.d/domain-redirects.conf and also delete everything related to phpmyadmin
3. restart apache

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