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Messages - talebeiatsiz

Pages: [1]
CWP API / 503 Service Unavailable on Creating Account With Api
« on: December 13, 2019, 06:41:56 PM »
Hello, I have started a project to create an WHMCS like system with CWP Api, so I was testing the system with my main domain and tried Account > Add function.

Simply, I sent the necessary values as mentioned in

When I curl_exec($ch);

The account is being created but the php file returns with "503 Service Unavailable" code.

I could'nt find what is wrong.

Web Server Conf:

Nginx & Varnish & Apache
Nginx: 80,443
Varnish: 82
Apache: 8181,8443

Domain Settings:

Version Php:7.3
Apache Version:2.4
Version Nginx:s/n


Pages: [1]