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SSL / Re: Moving server site, not SSL
« on: June 29, 2024, 08:39:01 PM »
Sometimes...I write before I solve it...

In case it happens to someone else and/or this is what I did to solve it, I don't know which point was the one that solved it, because I did several, but I think they are all important.

After reading on the forum, I edited the server's nameservers:
nano /etc/resolv.conf

By default cwp puts a search but I have seen that on the server that, depending on the server, there are one or another, I have put the following:

Code: [Select]
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1111
nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888
(The last two, only if you have IPv6)
After this I restart the server.

Also, as I remembered that the other one that worked for me, a few hours passed since the transfer from cwp to cwp on a different server, and I have also read that the ideal at that time is to set the TTL to 5 minutes, what I did in CF was , the mail, cpanel and webmail entries (also just in case the www and the domain ones) I put in 5 minutes.

I waited about 10 minutes, then went to AutoSSL and at that moment, the certificate for domain and SAN's was added without problem.

For if it helps someone.


SSL / Moving server site, not SSL
« on: June 29, 2024, 03:13:51 PM »
Well this happens to me:
Original server (server1), destination server (srv1) .

Both Almalinux8.

I configure everything on a new server (srv1), and once I have everything configured, I start cwp transfer to cwp account.
Perfect, correct transfer.

I change DNS entries (I have them in cloudflare), all to the new server and I change the mail and srv1 entries but with transparency (cloufdlare cloud not activated in those entries).

On a new server, reload webserver, I am going to renew the certificate along with the email address and...

Error;The domain does not point.

And I can't...

I ping and it tells me the new server/ip (I don't have the san entries with the orange cloud so that they don't generate "problems" in the SSL renewal).

I try and try, always the same error:
The domain does not point.

But if I generate the main ssl, the site is navigated, but I can't do any san...always error, the domain does not point...

I'm desperate because my old server is about to expire and I don't want to renew it.

And....I performed this same operation last month on two other servers, renewing the certificate and renewing it without any problem.
What difference is there from one to the other?

I have followed the same steps, and both sites, on cloudflare, are the same (as far as "free" entries for san I am referring).

I do not know what to do...

Thank you...

Expect Alma 9 to reveal some bugs and CWP support for EL9 is still beta. Use Alma 8 for production at the moment.
Yes, I saw 9 in beta, but I thought it was only for a php issue.
Yesterday I did tests, and the problem is in all OS version 9 (Rocky, Alma, Centos 9 Stream...)
For now we will continue with version 8 for production.

This happens to me, I have a server, Almalinux8, I want to migrate to another, I install Almalinux and I can't, it gives me an error (which I will indicate below), but on the other hand, if I install Almalinux8 on the new server, I don't have any problem in the migration, from what I deduce it is a matter of Almalinux9, since the only thing that varies with the new server is the operating system it installs.

This is the error:

Code: [Select]
[root@srv1 ~]# tail -50 /var/log/cwp/account_transfer.log

2024-06-26 11:41:28 export SSHPASS=************; /usr/bin/sshpass -e /usr/bin/ssh -p4444 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=quiet  root@MYIPSERVER
2024-06-26 11:41:28 test -d /usr/local/cwp/ && echo 'true' || echo 'false'
2024-06-26 11:41:29 true

2024-06-26 11:41:29 /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: Too many arguments.  Expecting a target hostname, got:

Usage: /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id [-h|-?|-f|-n|-s] [-i [identity_file]] [-p port] [-F alternative ssh_config file] [[-o <ssh -o options>] ...] [user@]hostname
-f: force mode -- copy keys without trying to check if they are already installed
-n: dry run    -- no keys are actually copied
-s: use sftp   -- use sftp instead of executing remote-commands. Can be useful if the remote only allows sftp
-h|-?: print this help

2024-06-26 11:41:29 export SSHPASS=**********;/usr/bin/sshpass -e ssh-copy-id "-p 4444" root@MYIPSERVER -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 2>&1
2024-06-26 11:41:29 /usr/bin/ssh -p 4444 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=quiet root@MYIPSERVER test -d /usr/local/cwp/ && echo 'true' || echo 'false' 2>&1
2024-06-26 11:41:29 false

[root@srv1 ~]#


Installation / Re: ip route replace $(ip route list dev eth0...
« on: June 14, 2024, 06:36:30 AM »
eth0 is your primary interface and you have your IP addressing statically set via nmtui?
Have you put in a static route?
No, I have not configured anything about the network.
I contract the VPS and I don't configure anything about the network, that's why I'm surprised that this appears... and I don't know what to look at or what to do...

Installation / ip route replace $(ip route list dev eth0...
« on: June 13, 2024, 05:00:30 PM »
I put it in this section, but I have no idea where to put it in the forum...

I recently installed cwp pro on a new VPS for me, Almalinux 8.

I migrated from my old VPS, everything is fine, but...

Every time I restart or after a few days I receive an email from the server:

Subject: Cron <root@server2> ip route replace $(ip route list dev eth0 scope link | head -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }') via $(ip route list dev eth0 | awk '/default/{ print $3 }') dev eth0

Error: any valid address is expected rather than "dev".

The server works well, I have not detected any problems but... it has me surprised, and with the "alarm set".

I've searched the internet but I haven't been able to see what's going on...

Does anything occur to you?

Thank you and greetings.

PHP / Re: AlmaLinux 9 & CWP
« on: June 08, 2024, 07:35:29 AM »
Just as an FYI, what I've found good is to install the following before CWP on AL 9, some may already be installed, but better safe than ...:

Code: [Select]
dnf install dnf-plugins-core

dnf install elrepo-release epel-release -y

/usr/bin/crb enable

dnf install nano wget ipset ebtables iptables uuid uuid-devel libuuid-devel m4 pcre pcre-devel zlib-devel perl-DBD-MySQL perl-IPC-Cmd perl-Pod-Html perl-Sys-Hostname perl-libwww-perl.noarch perl-LWP-Protocol-https.noarch perl-GDGraph libtool s-nail htop sysstat python3-perf -y

dnf --refresh update

Thank you very much for this information, I will write it down in my important notepad about cwp.

I had to install Almalinux8, the server that I had running was not working at all, and my host did not solve it, when I installed Almalinux9 2, 3 or 4 days ago, I could see that the PHP version is correct for me but... does not do cwp to cwp migration (origin Almalinux 8 destination Almalinux 9).

I'll try what you tell me, see if it allows it...

Again, thank you very much!

PHP / Re: PHP Switcher version in Almalinux 9
« on: June 08, 2024, 07:24:17 AM »
Thanks for the reply.
I figured that, in that way, I was enabling selinux or... (my knowledge is not that great).
I enable cloud init, and that way, if I have been able to install Almalinux 8 (and I could other previous versions and my own image) without problems, it is an option of my VPS...
Regarding selinux, after installing Almalinux with cloud init, I have seen that in the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file it is disable, so I deduce that it does not have selinux (just a deduction).

About the problem of enabling CSF, I was able to solve it, I had to run: yum install iptables.
Iptables was not installed, and therefore CSF was not enabled.

For the rest, I've been testing since yesterday and it works well, there is an email that I receive every time I restart that I had never seen before, but I will explain that in another thread, I think it does not apply here :)

Thank you so much for your answer!

PHP / Re: PHP Switcher version in Almalinux 9
« on: June 07, 2024, 10:39:52 AM »
Sorry for bumping this thread.

My provider, where do I have the VPS, when I want to install Almalinux 8, I see that it is not available, I write to them and they answer me:
"Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately CentOS 8 has reached its EOL, thus we do not support it anymore."

Well, through contacting them, enabling cloud init, I can choose Almalinux 8 and I can install it, but there must be some difference, as soon as I change the ssh port I need to enter the command:
Code: [Select]
semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp NUMBERPORTWithout this, I do not access.

Well, everything installed, everything perfect, summary:

I reinstalled Almalinux 9, everything is going well, the PHP version I need, but... it is still in beta, it does not allow cwp to cwp migration, no matter how much I disable firewall on both servers, it always gives a failed to connect.

Same server, Almalinux 8 installed, cwp to cwp without problems, but... I find that I cannot enable the firewall, no matter how much I press enable, it does nothing at all.

Can you think of a cause?

Thank you and greetings.

PHP / Re: PHP Switcher version in Almalinux 9
« on: May 07, 2024, 07:30:59 PM »
Ok, thanks for the info, I had always noticed that, I put eol almalinux in Google and...
I'll note that, thanks for the link.

PHP / Re: PHP Switcher version in Almalinux 9
« on: May 06, 2024, 08:56:25 PM »
AlmaLinux 8.x EOL in 2029. That's soon??

AlmaLinux 9 is only 3 years behind that in 2032.

Correct, Almalinux 8 ends in 2029 but Security Support, Active Support already ended on May 1 of this year.

Since it is a VPS to do the migrations, I don't mind putting Almalinux 8 or 9, but... I would have liked to be able to do the migrations to Almalinux 9, through Active Support.

As far as PHP on the beta.
Right on:
"CWP is released for EL9 as a beta, and old PHP versions are removed i.e. only PHP 7.4 to 8.3 are supported."

So only the built-in 7.4.33 is currently working in the beta.
Bug report has been submitted that 8.3.x isn't working.

Again, CWP for EL9 is currently in beta.

I am sure they are working as fast as they can to get it ready.
Ok, that explains everything, because of what happens to me regarding the PHP version (I don't know if this also happens in the Pro version of CWP).
Anyway, knowing that it is in beta and that they are working on it...ok, if I had known (when I looked at the installation instructions, your link, I didn't pay attention to the beta note and the PHP issue... I had it in front of me and I didn't see it... :( )

I thank you for your prompt and detailed reply, it has clarified everything for me.

Now I will wait for this issue to be resolved.

That said, thank you.

PHP / PHP Switcher version in Almalinux 9
« on: May 06, 2024, 08:14:09 PM »
I currently have two vps running on Almalinux 8.9, cwp pro.
As 8.9 reaches EOL soon, I have taken a VPS to do the migrations (VPSold to VPSnew, reconfigure VPS with Almalinux 9.x) and then, VPS new to VPS old.
Obviously, the new VPS that I use for this, I will do it from one account to one account, so I don't put CWP pro on it and I don't have access to PHP FPM (I don't need it).
My surprise was that PHP Switcher does not take me any version lower than php 7.4.33, I need php 7.1.33 but I can't.

Is there any limitation or am I doing something wrong?

PHP / Re: 503 Service unavailable
« on: March 27, 2024, 12:28:39 AM »
Did you check (and increase) max execution time, memory limit, etc. in your php.ini?
Yes, was the first I was try.
In this moment, I have this values:

('memory_limit', '256M')
('upload_max_filesize', '128M');
('post_max_size', '256M');
('max_input_time', '-1');
('max_execution_time', '-1');
('default_socket_timeout', '-1');

And I try with 512M, 256M and 512M (in the order, mem limit, upload max, post max...)
Also I try with 1024M, 512M and 1024M.
Same result all time...

Thanks for your reply.

PHP / 503 Service unavailable
« on: March 26, 2024, 06:47:35 PM »
I am encountering this problem and I don't know how to solve it.

I have a PHP script, which in the past worked for me without any problem on the same database, same environment...etc...

But it was on another host and another panel...

I launch it, it works, and from time to time, I get this error message, 503 service unavailable.
If I change a number in the url (what it does is that it imports data from one site to another) it continues without a problem.

After a lot of searching, the only error in the log I see is:
"child 4484 exited on signal 11 (sigsegv) after xxxxx seconds"

I have increased the times (set to -1) resources in php, in php-fpm I have set:
"pm = ondemand
pm.max_children = 100
pm.max_requests = 10000
pm.process_idle_timeout = 900s"
I did get that the max_children was low, it was advisable to raise it, but it was not the error.

I deleted the error log, I repeat the process, and the only error that appears is the previous one, signal 11...

I've been like this for 1 month or more, and I'm desperate...

Any ideas?

PHP / Re: Internal server Error or The server is temporarily unable
« on: March 06, 2024, 06:57:32 PM »
try temporarily dropping the CSF firewall. or upping your connection limits on mariadb if your PHP script makes many DB calls.
I appreciate your response.
I made so many, so many changes to my account, that today I had to rollback a snapshot,,,
I didn't think about deactivating the CSF firewall, but I didn't get any notice or alert either.
Indeed, the script makes modifications to the database but... it does not "break" the mysql service either...

I just checked my my.cnf file and I don't have any max_connections value set, I'm going to see if I can see a way to know what value is set by default.

But...the script, I don't think it makes many calls, it is an old script, I have to run it at most in php 5.6 but...4 years ago I used it, without problems, on another hosting and panel, but without problems, with the same database as now...

It doesn't cost me anything to try those two things, but I'm afraid that...

If I use php-fpm the response is a 503 error, if I use php-cgi the response is 500 (always at the exact same point).

If it can do anything, I prefer the max_connections of the database, because for php, I have already given everything to the maximum even...

I say it, I really appreciate your response.

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