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Messages - murayama

Pages: [1]
CentOS-WebPanel GUI / CWP TO CWP Migration Stuck
« on: March 31, 2021, 04:57:17 AM »
Hi everyone,

I just do the migration from old cwp server to the new cwp server,how every its already take so long but the migration stuck here

what i get from the log is only like this :

cat /var/log/cwp/account_transfer.log

2021-03-30 11:35:36 export SSHPASS='S00o4741409!'; /usr/bin/sshpass -e /usr/bin/ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=quiet  root@ip
2021-03-30 11:35:36 test -d /usr/local/cwp/ && echo 'true' || echo 'false'
2021-03-30 11:35:38 false

2021-03-30 11:35:59 export SSHPASS='S00o4741409!'; /usr/bin/sshpass -e /usr/bin/ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=quiet  root@ip
2021-03-30 11:35:59 test -d /usr/local/cwp/ && echo 'true' || echo 'false'
2021-03-30 11:36:02 false

Need your guys advice to solve this issue

Thanks in advance

Pages: [1]