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Messages - sssssee

Pages: [1]
Backup / Re: New Backup ( beta) not work with FTP export
« on: December 18, 2021, 04:53:45 PM »
Do you have enough space on your FTP server?

Test with your FileZilla if you can actually create a folder with your FTP user.

Maybe some permissions are missing. It is also to checking your ports.

PHP Selector / Re: Unable to update PHP 5.6.37 to 7.4
« on: December 18, 2021, 04:36:07 PM »
Are you using OpenVZ as your environment?

Probably some modules are missing, like Lip Sodium, you need to check your logs.

Change the PHP version and run in your ssh: tail -f /var/log/php-rebuild.log.

If you follow the installation logs, you may find the problems there.

If your WordPress installation does not have a user, WordPress shows you a window to set up a user. If you get the window with only a password and a user, a user already exists, which is probably set up by you.

So I don't understand why you set it up manually in PhpMyAdmin. You don't need to do that, actually.

CSF Firewall / 25$ for anyone who can manage to open a port on my server
« on: December 18, 2021, 01:51:27 PM »
the tutorial by cwp just doesnt work

i installed cwp on a brand new machine thats it
and i will give you ssh access

it needs to be ping able from:

you need to give me the solution so i can do that on my other machines

i will pay with any crypto you would like

Pages: [1]