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Messages - PPCFUSION

Pages: [1]
E-Mail / ip rotation
« on: June 27, 2023, 03:10:08 AM »
Hello guys

Ive been using CWP as an smtp server only. I had someone set up last year and all seems fine. I only run business emails and small cold email campaigns using mailwizz on the same server.

The guy that set up my server said that CWP will rotate the ips every send of an email, so I added 5 extra IPs to the server. But when I check the email headers, they all come from the shared server IP, and not the additional IPs, so not rotating.

My first question is can ip rotation be done for email? or is this guy chatting bs. Ive had a play and can only see a way to manually assign these ips to the accounts. Nothing about rotation.

Any help would be appreciated before I go back to this guy to fix.

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