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Messages - mah1973

Pages: [1]
Functions / Re: CWP account hooks NOT WORK!!
« on: April 21, 2024, 11:02:02 PM »
Sorry for the necropost :)

Not sure if it cwp allows to print some output from the hooks. However the hooks described here:
work for me.

Here is a simple example (just a bit modified example provided by docs):

cat /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/hooks/account/account_new.php

Code: [Select]

function account_new($array){
$fp fopen('/tmp/account_new.txt''w');

then create some account and review the file /tmp/account_new.txt.

The new account hook works but when you try account unsuspend it doesn't work!

How to / Re: Upgrade PhpMyAdmin
« on: April 19, 2024, 08:54:32 PM »
I can't test the default configuration, because I run CWP on an alternate port. Userland phpMyAdmin forwards to port 2087 which I don't support and block via CSF.
Ah , I see. thanks for the info.

How to / Re: Upgrade PhpMyAdmin
« on: April 17, 2024, 10:34:34 AM »
If root pw = mysql root pw it auto-logins just fine under CWP Admin. Or save credentials with your web browser...

No , I mean for regular users not admin. Is it still working ?

How to / Re: Upgrade PhpMyAdmin
« on: April 16, 2024, 09:27:44 PM »
No, that's not true at all. I deployed the latest phpMyAdmin 5.2.1 yesterday on all my servers. Follow Sandeep's directions here, replacing any instance of "4.9.2" with "5.2.1":

Also, the link to the Blowfish hash generator is no longer working, so Google a different one.

The autologin feature is still working for you ?

How to / Re: Upgrade PhpMyAdmin
« on: April 16, 2024, 09:25:30 PM »
I know this is old post, but maybe it will help someone who has the same issue.

After successful install of Maria DB 11.3.1

I installed phpMyAdmin 5.2.1

and faced the same login issue.


Simply login to your main CWP and update root password.

Works like a charm !

Tried this and it's not working for me. No autologin after upgrading to latest version of phpMyadmin.

DNS / Re: IPV6 Support on CWP
« on: March 23, 2024, 09:26:13 PM »
You could use this and add all the other IPadresses on IPv6
IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="second_ipv6_address/64 third_ipv6_address/64 .../64"

I hope that CWP team test this and implement it to the official version.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Main PHP Selector isn't work in
« on: March 23, 2024, 09:00:24 PM »
CWP got the bug fixed.  :)
How they fixed it without update to a new version ?

Installation / Re: Recommended CWP Version for fresh install
« on: October 24, 2023, 08:50:49 PM »
I would recommend Almalinux 8. Working good for me on several servers.

Pages: [1]