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Messages - RickyB

Pages: [1]
CentOS 7 Problems / Re: SSH connection Access Denied
« on: August 03, 2023, 04:26:16 AM »
The only real way to fix any issues with CWP is to stop using CWP and use one of the several much better web control panels.

If you continue to use CWP you will only face continuous issues and spend more time trying to fix CWP's ridiculous issues than focusing on inportant stuff.

These people do not care about their product, or you even in paid versions, so why waste your precious time with them.

Everything in this panel is years outdated, look at the source coding of the panel it self, they haven't fixed basic rudementry web code issues in how many years. The Panel still doesn't have Admin SSL , Installs With Mariadb 10.4 which at the VERY least should be 10.6,NGINX is installs like 10 or more versions behind.

In all fairness, I gave CWP several years trying to like it as many of the concepts are good if they would have ever just updated and removed bugs but in the end I had to face reality and that reality is, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM CWP.

There are a few free open source panels or very inexpensive panels around that wil give you far less hassle and allow you to work on the really important stuff you should be focusing on instead of your never was / has been web panel!

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