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Messages - Sigmoria

Pages: [1]
Saw your reply, just a FYI CWP only runs on RH type systems, Not Debian type.

I don't know why I wrote ubuntu, I meant CentOS 8.  :o

Haven't seen any follow-up announcements from the dev team. If your timeframe is tight, I don't think you could go wrong with AlmaLinux 8 and CWP for EL8. You should likely be able to ELevate to AlmaLinux 9 when CWP for EL9 comes out and is stable...

The life cycles for AlmaLinux are:

AlmaLinux 8.x   2029
AlmaLinux 9.x   2032

So installing CWP EL8 on AlmaLinux 8.x as @overseer mentioned is a safe bet for awhile.

Thanks for the quick answer, I admit that I was only thinking about ubuntu so far. But after this I will definitely consider using AlmaLinux...

We are very soon to release the first stable version of cwp9, possibly in the next few days we will look for some enthusiasts to control some close tests, surely all this will be announced in due course by this means!

I would like to know when the release is expected?  I am facing the construction of a new infrastructure and I do not want to work with legacy Linux when the EL9 version is close.

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