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Topics - kanenses

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CentOS 7 Problems / [ISSUE/BUG] - NAMED NS Changes
« on: November 24, 2019, 01:11:57 PM »

not know if as a issue, or maybe missing something during changing nameservers

I have noted, after change nameservers at CWP, it perserves the old nameservers at /etc/named.conf


zone "ns1.myolddns" {type master;file "/var/named/ns1.myolddns.db";};
zone "ns2.myolddns" {type master;file "/var/named/ns2.myolddns.db";};

and after host named:

// zone
my host.db

zone "ns1.mynewsdns" {type master;file "/var/named/ns1.mynewsdns.db";};
zone "ns2.mynewsdns" {type master;file "/var/named/ns2.mynewsdns.db";};

this create issue for restart, start, etc... BIND DNS (named)

Is issue, or I miss something, during change namedservers?

Thank you,

CWPpro version: |   Operating System: 7.7.1908 (core)

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