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DNS / Addon domain is not working?
« on: March 27, 2018, 06:41:27 PM »
I tried many times and over 48h as the name servers are changed but still not working addon domain. Just visible HTTP Test Page... How can I fix it please?
CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Why subdomains are not working?
« on: April 29, 2017, 04:21:12 PM »
Thanks for that url where I has tested an subdomain with https protocol. There show me an error like "Certificate name mismatch" and gave the idea: Need generate and install SSL on all subdomains! I've only installed SSL on domains, without subdomains. Problem solved and thanks for help!
CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Why subdomains are not working?
« on: April 29, 2017, 11:48:58 AM »
Yes, I also created cname entry in my domain registrar. Yes, also used as well the "Fix Permission" under User Accounts but still shown 403 Forbidden message. If use any subdomain without https protocol then the subdomain can work well without any problem. Very weird...
CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Why subdomains are not working?
« on: April 28, 2017, 11:38:56 AM »
I tried but is not worked for me... I reinstalled the cwp panel and is looks now everything working fine with the subdomans as well.
Anyway, I found few bugs:
Varnish configuration is still not visible in the main menu.
Any subdomains not working with https:// and getting "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access / on this server." error messages...
Anyway, I found few bugs:
Varnish configuration is still not visible in the main menu.
Any subdomains not working with https:// and getting "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access / on this server." error messages...
CentOS 7 Problems / Why subdomains are not working?
« on: April 13, 2017, 07:11:43 PM »
Subdomains not working and when visited is redirect to exactly different domain. One of subdomain not redirect anywhere, just show error in browser like "The server
not found" and the url in the address bar like "www.serverip". Another subdomain shown "forbidden" error message...
Settings correct in: /usr/local/apache/conf.d/vhosts.conf
Settings correct in: /etc/named.conf & /etc/named/...
Tryed by cwp panel, godaddy and private nameservers as well and nothing changed...
Can be do any problems Varnish and memcached together? I don't think so...
Have any more options, files, locations where can be find the mistake?
not found" and the url in the address bar like "www.serverip". Another subdomain shown "forbidden" error message...
Settings correct in: /usr/local/apache/conf.d/vhosts.conf
Settings correct in: /etc/named.conf & /etc/named/...
Tryed by cwp panel, godaddy and private nameservers as well and nothing changed...
Can be do any problems Varnish and memcached together? I don't think so...
Have any more options, files, locations where can be find the mistake?
CentOS 7 Problems / Varnish Configuration is missing...
« on: April 12, 2017, 09:56:19 PM »
Varnish Configuration is missing of the left side panel under Apache Settings. Is just a bug, or removed? Have any chance to put it back, or how have to put back?
MySQL / Re: CWP CentOS 7 installer with MySQL without MariaDB
« on: March 08, 2017, 09:54:45 PM »
Is so not easy...
The following command uninstall the MariaDB, but made conflicts with MySQL installer:
This command totaly delete the MariaDB but straight killed the server: (Removed other important thinks as well...)
How I have to uninstall properly / totally MariaDB?
The following command uninstall the MariaDB, but made conflicts with MySQL installer:
Code: [Select]
yum remove MariaDB MariaDB-server
This command totaly delete the MariaDB but straight killed the server: (Removed other important thinks as well...)
Code: [Select]
yum remove MariaDB MariaDB-server MariaDB-common MariaDB-shared
How I have to uninstall properly / totally MariaDB?
MySQL / Re: CWP CentOS 7 installer with MySQL without MariaDB
« on: March 08, 2017, 08:01:43 AM »
The MariaDB will be in the next few years be a similar situation such as MySQL yet now and then have to move (change) again to another? I use it for about 10 years and I insist on using MySQL. (Besides, why do not think about those who are MySQL subscribers? In addition, a very serious and global database we speak. I am seriously not happy with MariaDB. (Especially that the MySQL v5.7 and MySQL v8.0 is not compatible with MariaDB.)
It is possible please to make a switch (-d mysql) what install the MySQL and not the MariaDB?
If this is not possible, how is possible the total removal of MariaDB?
It is possible please to make a switch (-d mysql) what install the MySQL and not the MariaDB?
If this is not possible, how is possible the total removal of MariaDB?
MySQL / CWP CentOS 7 installer with MySQL without MariaDB
« on: March 07, 2017, 04:52:30 PM »
Can somebody know how to install CWP on CentOS 7 with MySQL without MariaDB?
The following command line working if somebody want mariadb:
But is not working with "mysql" or the right name is "mysqld"?
The following command line working if somebody want mariadb:
Code: [Select]
cd /usr/local/src
wget wget
sh cwp-el7-latest -d mariadb
But is not working with "mysql" or the right name is "mysqld"?
iptables / Re: Can't access to CWP admin, or any domain & IP address
« on: October 27, 2016, 10:54:27 AM »
Thank's for your message! Are mean I have to check "Security / Firewall manager / Blacklist configuration ?
I found there my IP address and I deleted... Quick restarted... I hope that can be fix the problem...
I found there my IP address and I deleted... Quick restarted... I hope that can be fix the problem...
iptables / Can't access to CWP admin, or any domain & IP address
« on: October 27, 2016, 12:35:36 AM »
If I want to access to CWP admin (or any domain & IP address what set up on) I have to start the following command:
Everyday I have to do it!
I really don't know whats the problem and hope someone can help me please?
Looks is started the problem after & upgrades.
Code: [Select]
service iptables stop
Everyday I have to do it!
I really don't know whats the problem and hope someone can help me please?
Looks is started the problem after & upgrades.
E-Mail / Re: How to set Mozilla Thunderbird to check my mails?
« on: February 06, 2016, 06:06:41 PM »
Sorted... Now is working...

PHP / Re: Problem switching to PHP 5.4.45
« on: January 02, 2016, 05:51:27 PM »
Yeah, its working and I so happy... Thank you again!!! 
I already configured few flags, but I really don't know how to add fow show the following:
[PHP Modules]
geoip (I figured out with secondary php.ini but I want add automatic...)
iconv (That is shown and added by "--with-iconv")
ionCube Loader (What is the config for that?)
[Zend Modules]
the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from (unconfigured)
That things is already shown by the main php, but I really don't know how to add to "php selector" all php versions?

I already configured few flags, but I really don't know how to add fow show the following:
[PHP Modules]
geoip (I figured out with secondary php.ini but I want add automatic...)
iconv (That is shown and added by "--with-iconv")
ionCube Loader (What is the config for that?)
[Zend Modules]
the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from (unconfigured)
That things is already shown by the main php, but I really don't know how to add to "php selector" all php versions?
PHP / Re: Problem switching to PHP 5.4.45
« on: January 02, 2016, 05:19:43 PM »
I tried before but not seen any "updated" scripts... The scripts included with the older php versions... I don't know why, or whats happened but I checked again the "/usr/local/src" location and find the updated scripts. I started the scripts and its works! Thanks for your help!!! 
From the "PHP Selector", PHP5.4 - PHP5.5 - PHP5.6 are missing the following:
[Zend Modules]
the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from (unconfigured)
How can I add to .configure?

From the "PHP Selector", PHP5.4 - PHP5.5 - PHP5.6 are missing the following:
[Zend Modules]
the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from (unconfigured)
How can I add to .configure?
PHP / How to remove unwanted php version?
« on: January 02, 2016, 03:34:51 PM »
How to remove / uninstall unwanted php 5.5 version from the php selector?