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Symptoms of pregnancy: the first 7 symptoms

But how do you want to quickly feel the tiny life that has arisen, to start cooking, to share this secret with a loved one, to finally know that it's time to give up fragrant coffee and your favorite crispy chips. Symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy are manifested individually, because each woman's body perceives changes and a new "inhabitant" in its own way. Some women find out about their pregnancy source only by tracking the delay of the menstrual cycle, others may experience unusual symptoms at the end of the first week after fertilization. In any case, only a pregnancy test and a gynecologist will be able to establish a positive diagnosis - pregnancy.
A woman who wants to become a mother as soon as possible, seeks to learn about the little miracle immediately after it appeared in her. And although fertilization of the egg occurs within 12 hours after ovulation, the young mother will be