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SSL / Re: Why auto SSL works for some domains and not for others?
« on: December 30, 2022, 06:25:25 AM »
Login as admin and goto:
Then rebuild your webservers, it will renew automagically every 90 days
Code: [Select]
There you can choose per domain what services you want to SSL etc.Then rebuild your webservers, it will renew automagically every 90 days
CentOS 7 Problems / Re: I have a problem Database error
« on: November 02, 2022, 03:29:32 AM »
this is not CWP issue, this is Mysql issue. Check your database query in code. The error is saying what is wrong
CentOS 7 Problems / Re: How to set Clamd option for database "SelfCheck"
« on: May 27, 2022, 05:33:02 AM »
@Igor, many thanks, it was indeed /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.conf, now Selfcheck is set to 3600.
CentOS 7 Problems / How to set Clamd option for database "SelfCheck"
« on: May 06, 2022, 05:52:18 AM »
I have clamd service running.
But tried all config files to change option:
Config files I tried:
Then restarted clamd.service. But always stays on 10 minute check.
What config file is used?
But tried all config files to change option:
Code: [Select]
# Perform a database check.
# Default: 600 (10 min)
# SelfCheck 600
SelfCheck 3600
Config files I tried:
Code: [Select]
Then restarted clamd.service. But always stays on 10 minute check.
What config file is used?
FTP / FTP starting again by itself (Pure-FTPd)
« on: March 19, 2022, 07:01:05 AM »
Now one year later still cannot find the solution:
I disable the ftp service in CWP pro dashboard:
Pure-FTPd service is disabled.
after cron.daily the ftp server is running again.
No other services are starting Pure-FTPd. All Services monitor are disabled(from dashboard), Monit also not installed
No cronjobs or other services with Pure-FTPd are enabled or starting.
The only cronjob I suspect is coming from here from:
content of /etc/cron.daily/cpw
Maybe CWP admins can help clear this? Thanks
I disable the ftp service in CWP pro dashboard:
Pure-FTPd service is disabled.
after cron.daily the ftp server is running again.
No other services are starting Pure-FTPd. All Services monitor are disabled(from dashboard), Monit also not installed
No cronjobs or other services with Pure-FTPd are enabled or starting.
The only cronjob I suspect is coming from here from:
Code: [Select]
But I cannot check because of Ioncube encode.content of /etc/cron.daily/cpw
Code: [Select]
/usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php
/usr/local/cwp/php71/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron_backup.php
Maybe CWP admins can help clear this? Thanks
Apache / Re: WebServers Domain Configuration Reset
« on: January 12, 2022, 07:01:08 AM »
Also here an example for Codeigniter 4.
There I use Webserver config: nginx ->apache ->php-fpm
Then the custom templates are located here: /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/httpd/php-fpm
The part to read and understand carefully is where the custom templates are located and named:
Read all the info here:
Template folders explained
List from folder: /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/
httpd = apache templates
nginx = nginx templates
varnish = varnish templates
php-fpm = php-fpm service templates (used for all php-fpm versions)
httpd (subfolders explained)
- main folder = default templates used with php-cgi, this is only httpd folder no subfolder
- php-fpm folder = php-fpm templates used when server/domain is running php-fpm
- proxy folder = proxy templates used when apache is used as proxy to other service/port
nginx (subfolders explained)
- main folder = default templates used as proxy templates, this is only nginx folder no subfolder
- php-fpm folder = php-fpm templates used when server/domain is running nginx&php-fpm
varnish (no subfolders)
- main folder = default templates used as proxy templates, varnish has no .stpl (https/ssl) files and also has no other subfolders
php-fpm (no subfolders)
- main folder = default templates used as templates for all php-fpm versions, php-fpm has no .stpl (https/ssl) files and also has no other subfolders.
There I use Webserver config: nginx ->apache ->php-fpm
Then the custom templates are located here: /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/httpd/php-fpm
The part to read and understand carefully is where the custom templates are located and named:
Read all the info here:
Template folders explained
List from folder: /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/
httpd = apache templates
nginx = nginx templates
varnish = varnish templates
php-fpm = php-fpm service templates (used for all php-fpm versions)
httpd (subfolders explained)
- main folder = default templates used with php-cgi, this is only httpd folder no subfolder
- php-fpm folder = php-fpm templates used when server/domain is running php-fpm
- proxy folder = proxy templates used when apache is used as proxy to other service/port
nginx (subfolders explained)
- main folder = default templates used as proxy templates, this is only nginx folder no subfolder
- php-fpm folder = php-fpm templates used when server/domain is running nginx&php-fpm
varnish (no subfolders)
- main folder = default templates used as proxy templates, varnish has no .stpl (https/ssl) files and also has no other subfolders
php-fpm (no subfolders)
- main folder = default templates used as templates for all php-fpm versions, php-fpm has no .stpl (https/ssl) files and also has no other subfolders.
Apache / Example vhost conf template file for Codeigniter 4
« on: January 08, 2022, 08:42:58 AM »Me too was surprised by the recent change where vhost config files in Apache are overwritten by the cronjob.
This is how I added my own templates, described also by the docs here:
The vhost config are automatically rebuild with a cron job. (/etc/cron.daily/cwp)
If you need some custom entries in your vhost configs, they now will be deleted/overwritten.
This was a recent change in CWP Pro.
So you need to make custom template configs for your domains:
1. First check what your Webserver configuration is
mine is:
Webserver config:[/size] nginx ->apache ->php-fpm
2. Create templates files
The easiest way for me was with terminal/root:
in this directory: (or copy the existing default files)
Code: [Select]
cd /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/httpd/php-fpm
Code: [Select]
cp default.stpl default_ci4_public.stpl
Code: [Select]
cp default.tpl default_ci4_public.stpl
NOTE: the template name for https and http MUST be the same, use only .tpl and .stpl as extension
3. Codeigniter edit config template to serve "/public" folder.
edit default_ci4_public.stpl and default_ci4_public.tpl and add "/public" to the following:
DocumentRoot %docroot%/public
<Directory "%docroot%/public">
4. Then create a custom config for your Domain
add the just created template files to the specific user and domain,
select the just created templates as defaull
From CWP Pro GUI:
WebServers Domain Conf > select username > Custom config
Here you should see and choose your custom config templates:
The Apache Configuration
Apache default vhost template type: php-fpm
Apache default vhost template: default_ci4_public
5. rebuild the Webservers conf
Now your site should stay online, also after the cron job with CWP pro
In the first image you see the webserver config with the apache default vhost template: default_ci4_public,
which we just made

In this image you see the list with all the templates and also our custom template for codeigniter 4

FTP / Disabling Pure-FTPd in dashboard ignored and re-enabled after time
« on: November 21, 2021, 05:17:22 AM »
The pure-ftp server is not used so I want to disable the service. When clicking disable from the dashboard the pure-ftp server stops.
after a random time I see the cwpsrv service(and other services) restarted and also Pure-FTPd server is restarted.
I was looking through all the cronjobs, and cannot find anything that is restarting Pure-FTPd.
Only the
Does anybody know where the service is restarted?
I saw another topic:
Monit is not enabled on the server and what or where is the service monitor?
thanks it would save a lot of time!
CWPpro version:
after a random time I see the cwpsrv service(and other services) restarted and also Pure-FTPd server is restarted.
I was looking through all the cronjobs, and cannot find anything that is restarting Pure-FTPd.
Only the
Code: [Select]
I could not check because of ioncube.Does anybody know where the service is restarted?
I saw another topic:
automatic restart is done by service monitor or monit in cwp, you should check that in cwp.admin
Monit is not enabled on the server and what or where is the service monitor?
thanks it would save a lot of time!
CWPpro version:
SSL / Re: How to install multiple SSL certificates on shared IP
« on: October 12, 2021, 08:34:27 AM »
@Jim Meijer, from reading your full post, I see you have not much experience in configuring webservers.
Therefore your comment about CWP Pro is not usefull and true. For I have the same combo as you: Neostrada+Centos7+Cwp pro
The certificates are free and easy to install. Centos is free, CWP Pro is very cheap and much much better compared to Cpanel.
Therefore your comment about CWP Pro is not usefull and true. For I have the same combo as you: Neostrada+Centos7+Cwp pro
The certificates are free and easy to install. Centos is free, CWP Pro is very cheap and much much better compared to Cpanel.
Updates / Re: Make Backups downloadable direct in User Panel
« on: August 01, 2021, 12:01:02 PM »
I agree with the simple download button for users backup.
I didnt read correctly about the users. But there is an automatic backup with FTP, maybe this is a solution for your users?
I didnt read correctly about the users. But there is an automatic backup with FTP, maybe this is a solution for your users?
Updates / Clamav and freshclam database update error
« on: August 01, 2021, 11:53:34 AM »
After updating to centos-release-7-9.2009.1.el7.centos.x86_64 and CWPpro version:
I received mails with erros from this script: Cron <root@server> /usr/share/clamav/freshclam-sleep > /dev/null
It seems related to this issue from Clamav:
They suggest this solution:
If you are experiencing this same issue, the simplest solution is to delete your signature databases from /var/lib/clamav. Then, make sure your FreshClam configuration in /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf either has the ReceiveTimeout option set sufficiently high (E.g. 300 seconds). Alternatively, users can remove the ReceiveTimeout option entirely to disable the timeout.
After making these changes, you may re-enable your FreshClam service or run freshclam manually and you should find that it is working correctly again.
Just sharing this info
I received mails with erros from this script: Cron <root@server> /usr/share/clamav/freshclam-sleep > /dev/null
Code: [Select]
ERROR: cdiff_apply: lseek(desc, -350, SEEK_END) failed
ERROR: downloadPatch: Can't apply patch
ERROR: cdiff_apply: lseek(desc, -350, SEEK_END) failed
ERROR: downloadPatch: Can't apply patch
It seems related to this issue from Clamav:
They suggest this solution:
If you are experiencing this same issue, the simplest solution is to delete your signature databases from /var/lib/clamav. Then, make sure your FreshClam configuration in /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf either has the ReceiveTimeout option set sufficiently high (E.g. 300 seconds). Alternatively, users can remove the ReceiveTimeout option entirely to disable the timeout.
After making these changes, you may re-enable your FreshClam service or run freshclam manually and you should find that it is working correctly again.
Just sharing this info
Updates / Re: Make Backups downloadable direct in User Panel
« on: August 01, 2021, 11:14:02 AM »
Have you tried new Backup(beta) in CWP Pro:
you can automate like cron and choose various destination, works pretty well
- Local file or directory
- FTP Server IP
- SSH server
you can automate like cron and choose various destination, works pretty well
- Local file or directory
- FTP Server IP
- SSH server
CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / RESTORE FROM CPANEL TO CWP:database not showing mysql manager
« on: August 14, 2019, 07:48:22 AM »
As this problem was posted earlier here:
After successfully exporting from Cpanel into CWP, also can see in phpmyadmin the database and user is created in mysql.
The Mysqlmanager is not showing the database and user.
The database can be accessed with the account name and password from the Cpanel export. So it is there and working but just not showing.
CWP version: free
As this problem was posted earlier here:
After successfully exporting from Cpanel into CWP, also can see in phpmyadmin the database and user is created in mysql.
The Mysqlmanager is not showing the database and user.
The database can be accessed with the account name and password from the Cpanel export. So it is there and working but just not showing.
CWP version: free
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